Young prisoner Berivan awarded in Sweden


Post Views: 28 The arrested fifteen-year-old girl’s family was honored by the Swedish Committee of Human Rights Association of Europe as a symbol of support for all imprisoned children and their families. Young Berivan Sayaca had been sentenced to seven

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Story of ordinary violence


Post Views: 7 This is the appalling story of Emine Gulmez who broke her silence after 18 years of solitude and fear.Emine Gulmez and her husband were taken into custody where she later saw seven death bodies, including her husband’s,

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Malalai Joya: “Zapatero debería retirar las tropas de Afganistán”


Post Views: 49 Malalai Joya en Madrid el pasado jueves Cuando en 1880 el Imperio británico quiso conquistar el dominio del territorio afgano, estalló la segunda guerra británico-afgana y surgió una resistencia armada local dispuesta a impedir el avance de

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Venezuela’s private retailers targeted as Hugo Chávez declares ‘economic war’ 0


Post Views: 3 Venezuela’s private retailers targeted as Hugo Chávez declares ‘economic war’As election looms, president blames rising food prices on ‘capitalist’ retailers while critics accuse him of scapegoatingRory Carroll in Caracas Subsidised markets that provide cheap staples, such as

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Honduras failing to tackle coup rights abuses


Post Views: 7 Security forces widely misused tear gas and other crowd control equipment Amnesty International has accused the Honduran authorities of failing to address serious human rights violations that followed the coup d’etat of 28 June 2009, when ex-President

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El golpe de Estado financiero contra el Estado Democrático y Social de Derecho en Europa: la distopía de la “Nueva Austeridad”


Post Views: 11 “Lejos de limitarse a retraer la economía, lo que persigue ahora el neoliberalismo es alterar la trayectoria en la que ha venido moviéndose la civilización occidental en los dos últimos siglos. Se trata nada menos que de

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Runaway Defense Spending Not Winning Any Wars 0


Post Views: 8 In Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, the major places of military interest to the United States today (disregarding the hundreds of other places where American soldiers and agents or mercenaries have been dispatched to suppress one or another

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How ‘Rolling Stone’ was able to bring down a general 0


Post Views: 12 By Guy AdamsWhen the four-star general Stanley A McChrystal received an email asking if he might like to spend a month of his extremely busy life being trailed by a Kabul-based freelance journalist called Michael Hastings, he

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Mistah McChrystal – he dead 0


Post Views: 5 Mistah Kurtz – he dead.Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness When it comes to American wars, history has a kinky habit of repeating itself as farce over and over again. So now the Pentagon has been plunged into

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International trade unions to adopt historic resolution on climate change


Post Views: 6 Unions from all over the world are to adopt today an ambitious resolution on climate change. In the framework of the 2nd ITUC Congress, unions have debated their role in the fight against climate change, the means

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