Stop female genital mutilation says Human Rights Watch


Post Views: 10 Human Rights Watch on Wednesday release a report about female genital cutting. The practice, says the report, is widespread in Iraq’s northern Kurdish region and authorities must develop a long-term plan to eradicate it. It is estimated

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Bill on ‘stone-throwing children’ not sufficient, says BDP


Post Views: 6 A bill on ‘stone-throwing children’ was sent from the Parliament’s Justice Commission to subcommittee on Wednesday. The bill is part of the Justice and Development Party, so called Kurdish initiative, a package of proposals aimed to solve

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What Bhopal Started 0


Post Views: 5 Over 20,000 killed. Over half a million victims maimed, disabled or otherwise affected. Compensation of around Rs. 12,414 per victim on average on the 1989 value of the rupee. $ 470 million total. And that divided between

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The Global Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking Launches New Report


Post Views: 6 A new ITUC publication released today details the extent of slavery and other forms of forced labour around the world, and sets out practical steps that trade unions can take to boost the global drive to help

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Does Obama Really Know or Care About Who Is at Guantánamo?


Post Views: 6 (Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: mike.benedetti, globevisions) The recently released Final Report of President Obama’s Guantánamo Review Task Force was supposed to provide a cogent and definitive analysis of

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Union member? You are fired! 0


Post Views: 7 Three women workers have started their struggle in Çorlu/Tekirda? after being dismissed from their workplace, Ye?il Kundura, because – so the dismissal letter goes – of the economic crisis. The reality is different though: the women claim

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Informe Anual de la CSI: fueron 101 sindicalistas asesinados en el 2009


Post Views: 7 El Informe Anual de la CSI sobre los derechos sindicales documenta un impresionante incremento en el número de sindicalistas asesinados en 2009: 101 muertes – un 30% más que el año anterior. El Informe, publicado el día

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Editor of Kurdish women magazine remains in jail


Post Views: 11 Bianet website today reported on the story of Gurbet Çakar, editorial manager of the Kurdish-Turkish women magazine Rengê Hevîya Jinê. The woman, writes Bianet, has been in detention for three months and a Diyarbak?r court decided to

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Berivan Sayaca awarded price by CHAK


Post Views: 19 Anti Pogrom Human Rights Organization CHAK awarded the human rights prize to TMK (Anti-Terrorism Law) victim, little prisoner Berivan Sayaca.Fifteen years old Berivan Sayaca, who was arrested on 9 October and sentenced to 7 years and 8

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Kyrgyzstan: Decisive Action Needed to Rein in Violence


Post Views: 9 (Osh) – The government of Kyrgyzstan should take immediate measures to ensure safety for people attempting to flee unchecked violence in southern Kyrgyzstan, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch reiterated its call for a UN-mandated

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