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“El pueblo palestino tiene derecho a defenderse” 0


Post Views: 9 Entrevista a Manu Pineda, activista por los Derechos Humanos Mientras los periódicos del régimen español presentan a los ocupantes de Palestina como un estado democrático y ocultan sistemáticamente sus crímenes, su ocupación de Palestina, su expulsión de

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Ariel Sharon: Beyond the eulogies 0


Post Views: 10 Ariel Sharon.(Reuters / Gil Cohen Magen) ?There were mixed reactions after it was announced by Gilad Sharon, the son of Israeli former Prime Minister Arik (Ariel) Sharon, from the Chaim Sehba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer that

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Ariel Sharon, la fin d’un criminel de guerre 0


Post Views: 10 Le général Ariel Sharon s’est donc éteint le samedi 11 janvier 2014, après de longues années de coma. Le président François Hollande a publié un communiqué qualifié par Le Point de « lapidaire » : il « a été un acteur majeur dans

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The Story of Gaza 0


Post Views: 13 Writing Back Aoung authors of fiction from Gaza, some of whom say they are finding Palestine on the internet while unable to see it exist in reality, have just published a collection of stories, written in English, marking the

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Angel Face and the Open Prison 0


Post Views: 3 Israeli Racism Seeing her face on the TV screen, one is struck by her beauty. It is the face of an angel, pure and innocent. Then she opens her mouth, and what pours out is vile and

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US Plans ‘Gazafication’ of the West Bank 0


Post Views: 5 Kerry’s Framework Agreement In recent days, US and European diplomats have been engaged in a frenzy of activity on the Israeli-Palestinian front, before they settle down for the usual two-week Christmas hibernation. A sense of urgency looms

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El poderoso Ejército de Israel aterroriza a los niños palestinos 0


Post Views: 4 7 Comentarios   1 2 3 4 5 Media: 5 Votos: 7 Aumentar fuente Disminuir fuente Vista de impresión Email Meneame Twitter Tuenti Facebook   Rami Ismael Abu Haniyeh y Raquel Castells. Raquel Castells denuncia, en su

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The Assassination of Arafat 0


Post Views: 5 A Crime Against Israel? From the first moment, I did not have the slightest doubt that Yasser Arafat was assassinated. It was a matter of simple logic. On the way back from the funeral, I happened upon

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What’s behind Israel’s biggest economic boom? The occupation 0


Post Views: 4 Settlement construction in the settlement of Gilo, January 21, 2010. (Photo: The period of Israel’s history that by far saw the largest economic growth, more than any other, was the six years following the Six Day

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Palestine and the One-State Solution 0


Post Views: 7 Time to Give Democracy a Chance In an opinion article entitled “Israel Should Annul the Oslo Accords” which was published on September 21 in the New York Times, Danny Danon, Israel’s deputy defense minister, offered his own vision

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