Tag "Ahmed Naji"

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A story by imprisoned Writer Ahmed Naji


The appeal to stay Egyptian novelist Ahmed Naji’s two-year sentence on November 26 was denied

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Today: A Motion to Stay Ahmed Naji’s Two-year Prison Sentence for His Novel ‘Using Life’


Today at Bulaq Abu Al-Aila Misdemeanour Court, supporters are gathering to attend a court session for imprisoned Egyptian novelist Ahmed Naji

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Voices in Support of Novelist Ahmed Naji


From recent statements in support of Ahmed Naji, sentenced to two years in prison for the publication of an excerpt of his novel in Akhbar al-Adab magazine

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Egyptian Writers’ and Artists’ Statement Against the Imprisonment of Novelist Ahmed Naji


Novelist Ahdaf Soueif has translated this statement, signed by more than 400 artists and writers

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