Tag "Amnesty International"

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Iran – Still Executing Kurds 0


The Iranian regime, with its Revolutionary Guards at the helm, once again comes under international scrutiny for its disappearance and execution of political prisoners with little interest in due process

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Turkey: Decision to re-arrest writer Ahmet Altan a scandalous injustice


Ahmet Altan has committed no crime. He was released last Monday, following a unanimous court decision. His three years of pre-trial detention are a travesty of justice as is the sentence imposed on him.

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Iran: Abusive forced veiling laws police women’s lives


Under the country’s compulsory veiling laws, women and girls – even those as young as seven – are forced to cover their hair with a headscarf against their will. Women who do not are treated as criminals by the state.

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International Women’s Day, March 8, Nigerian Women Fight Back


On March 8 each year, there is certainly no shortage of outrages that have been perpetrated against women over the course of another year of violence, human rights abuses and oppression

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Syria: US withdrawal does not erase Coalition’s duty towards Raqqa’s devastated civilians


UPDATE: This has been modified to reflect a clarification by US forces that the early stages of the withdrawal involve military equipment, but not troops, leaving Syria

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Post Views: 19 “During their operations the Tatmadaw has systematically targeted civilians, including women and children, committed sexual violence, voiced and promoted exclusionary and discriminatory rhetoric against minorities, and established a climate of impunity for its soldiers. The full findings

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Ramin Hossein Panahi, Iranian Kurd, Murdered by Regime…


Early Saturday morning, this 8 September 2018, the long wait regarding the life of Iranian Kurd, Ramin Hossein Panahi, came to an end

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“#IRAN, ARE YOU LISTENING?” (2) Mother of Ramin Hossein Panahi calls for help to save her son


“I was transferred to Rajaei Shahr prison for execution…I was told that my execution would be carried out soon.” (Ramin Hossein Panahi)

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AFRIN OCCUPIED Turkey Condemned Again (and again)…


“Turkey must stop serious violations by allied groups and its own forces in Afrin…”  – Amnesty International

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