Tag "Dareen Tatour"

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Dareen Tatour’s Appeal Partially Accepted: Poem Is Not a Crime


An update on the ongoing struggle of Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour by Marcia Lynx Qualey of Arabit.org

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Free At Last! Palestinian Poet Dareen Tatour Finally Released by Israelis


Thursday, 20 September, 2018 Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, was released from prison by the Israeli authorities after completing her last five-month prison sentence.

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Palestinian Poet Dareen Tatour Sentenced to 5 Months; Create Art To Help Fight Her Conviction


Post Views: 32 Dareen Tatour has already spent more than two years and eight months between prison and house arrest for “incitement to violence” and “support of a terrorist organization” for her poem, “Resist, My People, Resist Them,” and Facebook statuses.

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Palestinian Poet Dareen Tatour Convicted of Incitement, Supporting Terror for Poem and Facebook Posts


Palestinian poet and Dareen Tatour was surrounded by supporters on Thursday, May 3 as the Nazareth Magistrate’s Court found her guilty of incitement to violence and supporting a terror organization

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‘It Was Another Year’s September’


while out of sight and in continents far away there are these poets and prisoners locked away

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