Tag "Gaza"

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La soledad de Palestina 0


Todos debieran ir a Palestina –a Cisjordania, y si lo logran, también a Gaza– para tener idea de lo que es vivir bajo ocupación de un ejército racista

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The true Gaza back-story that the Israelis aren’t telling this week 0


A future Palestine state will have no borders and be an enclave within Israel, surrounded on all sides by Israeli-held territory

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The victims of Gaza: A list of Palestinians killed in Israel’s ongoing assault 0


The Gaza health ministry has confirmed the deaths of 100 Palestinians so far in the besieged strip since Israel began its relentless assault early Tuesday

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Gaza’s medical sector in crisis 0


As the war on Gaza enters its third consecutive day, hospitals in the Strip are going through a major crisis that began even before the war

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Israel, una máquina de asesinar y torturar en masa 0


A partir del martes 8 de julio Gaza está bajo continuo ataque aéreo de Israel como parte de la operación Margen Protector

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