Tag "HDP"

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“Helicopter torture” of two Kurdish villagers in Van: Servet Turgut died!


On 11 September 2020, Turkish soldiers detained two villagers in Catak District of Van, namely, Mr Servet Turgut (55), father of 7 children, and Mr Osman Şiban (50), father of 8 children

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 Peace in Kurdistan condemns the attack on the HDP 0


Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for 82 people, including former mayors and MPs of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the Party’s current Central Executive Board

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Turkey’s Constitutional Court rules that jailing Demirtaş violates his rights 0


Selahattin Demirtaş has been in jail since November 2016 on terrorism-related charges. He faces a sentence of up to 142 years in jail if found guilty in the main case against him.

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Conditions worsening in Turkey’s prisons due to COVID-19


Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy, co-spokespersons of the HDP Foreign Affairs Commission, have released a statement on the worsening conditions in Turkey’s prisons due to the coronavirus pandemic

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Turkish government’s onslaught on the HDP continues amid the fight against the coronavirus 0


Between March 11 and May 10, the police intervened in 8 events organized to protest the government’s measures on the Covid-19 and 42 people were detained. In addition, an investigation was launched against two members of parliament for their critical statements on Covid-19 measures

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Solidarity keeps us alive! Campaign for the release of political prisoners


The Free Women Movement (TJA) launched a campaign with other international women organizations called “Solidarity keeps us alive” in favour of political prisoners

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Turkish government dismiss and arrest more HDP mayors


HDP won 65 municipalities, 3 of which metropolitan cities in the local elections of 31 March 2019. 45 municipalities have been seized and taken over by state-appointed trustees so far

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Police harassment of HDP deputies continues


Post Views: 7 HDP lawmakers met in Istiklal Street despite being surrounded and harassed by police to hand out leaflets to call for participation in congress to be held on Sunday. HDP deputies who attended the 762th meeting of Saturday

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Feminists in Ireland release letter in solidarity with “our friends in Rojava”


The following letter has been signed by feminists living in Ireland, including WSM members

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