Tag "Hisyar Ozsoy"

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“Helicopter torture” of two Kurdish villagers in Van: Servet Turgut died!


On 11 September 2020, Turkish soldiers detained two villagers in Catak District of Van, namely, Mr Servet Turgut (55), father of 7 children, and Mr Osman Şiban (50), father of 8 children

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Conditions worsening in Turkey’s prisons due to COVID-19


Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy, co-spokespersons of the HDP Foreign Affairs Commission, have released a statement on the worsening conditions in Turkey’s prisons due to the coronavirus pandemic

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Turkey – Hunger Strikes. HDP writes letter to the international community on death fasts


Peoples’ Democratic Party vice co-chair Hişyar Özsoy wrote a letter to the international community regarding the 15 political prisoners who have turned their hunger strike into a “death fast”

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