Tag "Irish Republic"

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Sinn Fein to present Presidential candidate at November election


The republican party will be running for the Presidency of the Irish Republic

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Michel Martin could play a leadership role in the necessary process of making Irish unity a reality


during and after the general election the one thing that all Fianna Fáil spokespersons agreed on was their hostility to Sinn Féin emerging as the official opposition in the Dáil.

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See you on the Falls Road on Sunday – Easter 1916 Centenary


In 1966 Nelson’s Pillar was blown up in O’Connell Street in Dublin. It was a hugely symbolic and largely popular act

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Right2Change – A time for change


February 26thcan be a historic game changer for politics in this part of the island. It offers a stark choice between the old self-serving politics of cronyism, corruption and looking after the golden circles and elites, and a new politics that is accountable, transparent, people centred

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