Tag "Mardin Metropolitan Municipality"

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HDP executives: We won’t accept this coup!


Amed Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Selçuk Mızraklı and HDP Deputy Meral Danış Beştaş stated that they do not recognize the trustee: “Everyone should take responsibility.”

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418 people detained following AKP seizure of municipalities


Post Views: 33 HDP-run Amed, Mardin and Van metropolitan municipalities have been seized by the AKP regime once again in the early hours of the morning. In parallel, police operations have been carried out in dozens of cities and hundreds

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HDP: We will not be silenced, we will not be stopped”


We publish below the press release by the HDP about the seizure by the AKP regime of the municipalities of Amed, Mardin and Van

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Erdogan’s regime seized Amed, Mardin and Van municipalities


Co-mayors of Amed, Mardin and Van municipalities were removed from office and the municipalities were placed under police blockade

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