Tag "Michael D Higgins"

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Sinn Fein to present Presidential candidate at November election


The republican party will be running for the Presidency of the Irish Republic

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Choctaw Indian Tribe and Ireland: a history of solidarity


A simple act of kindness 170 years ago by an Oklahoma Indian tribe was celebrated in County Cork this week

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Irlanda y Cuba, lazos entre islas


Post Views: 15 Publicamos aqui el articulo de Juventud Rebelde dedicado a la visita del Presidente de Irlanda Michael D Higgins en La Habana. Por Enrique Milanés León Michael D. Higgins, el primer presidente de Irlanda que realiza una visita

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Irlanda por primera vez en la Feria literaria cubana


Por primera vez, en diversos aspectos, Irlanda y parte su milenaria tradición cultural estarán presentes en la Feria del Libro de La Habana

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Irish election called for February 26th


The 26 County President, Michael D Higgins, has dissolved parliament at the request of Taoiseach Enda Kenny, who has called a general election

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