Tag "PYD"

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Foza Yûsif: ENKS imposes unacceptable demands


Post Views: 93 PYD Co-Presidency Council member Foza Yûsif said that there is a deadlock in the talks on unity in Rojava, and added that the ENKS “violated the red lines” and “imposed unacceptable demands” by standing with the murderers

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One Year on From Afrin, and now East of the Euphrates: More War?


“The goal of the United States from delaying this agreement is to make room for Turkey to enter easily when the US withdraw from its military bases…” (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)

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The Threat to Rojava


An Anarchist in Syria Speaks on the Real Meaning of Trump’s Withdrawal

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TEV-DEM Muslim talks about Idlib and need to build trust for real talks


TEV-DEM International Department chair, Salih Muslim said Turkey has a difficult choice ahead as to what to do with the mercenaries terror groups it has promoted and sponsored

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The battle of Idlib Province in Syria is decisive and crucial for the future of Rojava


This article is a brief analysis of the future of Rojava in Syria in line with the attack of Assad’s forces on Idlib’s Province

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Turkey and its jihadist allies entered the Kurdish city on March 18, 2018, after 58 days bombing the region’s civilian population with the latest in NATO technology

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TEV-DEM Salih Muslim detained in Prague


We publish here the press release issued by TEV-DEM on last night’s arrest of former PYD president and TEV-DEM international relation spokesperson Salih Muslim

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Turkey Targeting Civilians in Afrin, Salih Muslim


Post Views: 68 Salih Muslim is the former Co-Chair of the PYD (Democratic Union Party). He is now the TEV-DEM (Movement for a Democratic Society, the governing body of the North Syria Federation) foreign relations official. He is in Rojava

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Between two Kurdistans: a Russian anthropologist’s journey in search of self-government


Kurdistan is the unofficial name of territories where Kurds form a majority of the population. These include large parts of modern-day Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria

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Salih Muslim: nuestro modelo es aplicable a todo el Medio Oriente


Salih Muslim es el co-Presidente del PYD (Partido de la Unión Democrática) junto a Asiah Abdullah, el principal partido de la autoproclamada región autónoma de Rojava, el Kurdistán sirio

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