Tag "Raqqa"

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Raqqa: Back to Life


Raqqa was the city ISIS jihadists proclaimed the capital of their Caliphate. It is also one of the city which suffered most and witnessed inhuman massacres, beheading, violence difficult to express with words

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Yazidi women speak at ISIS conference in Rojava


Heza Shengal went to Raqqa to fight and she joined the YJŞ. “For the Yazidi women the YJŞ became a great hope. It was the voice and answer of all Yazidi women who were bought and sold and subjected to persecution”

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Syria: US withdrawal does not erase Coalition’s duty towards Raqqa’s devastated civilians


UPDATE: This has been modified to reflect a clarification by US forces that the early stages of the withdrawal involve military equipment, but not troops, leaving Syria

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TEV-DEM Muslim talks about Idlib and need to build trust for real talks


TEV-DEM International Department chair, Salih Muslim said Turkey has a difficult choice ahead as to what to do with the mercenaries terror groups it has promoted and sponsored

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Artists in Neim Square organised ‘’Art against war” exhibition


Ehmedê Huseyin: ”Artists can create life from death. The role of the intellectuals during the war times is very important. Neim Square was a place of fear and death but today it has become the square of colour, happiness and beauty”

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Kurdish-led SDF liberate Raqqa


Brigadier General Talal Silo, a spokesman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced to the world media the fall of the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed capital, on Tuesday, 17 October

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SDF Commander on Liberation of Raqqa


Post Views: 19 Klara Raqqa, a senior commander for Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Raqqa’s liberation campaign, spoke to Stêrk TV about the liberation of the city from ISIS, and said the following;

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Notes from Raqqa


The battle has already left two months behind and more than half of the city has been liberated by now

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Civilians rescued in Raqqa tell of the cruelty of ISIS


Post Views: 79 SDF forces are struggling to rescue countless of civilians trapped in the ISIS-run city of Raqqa. Rescue operations are made harder as most civilians are hiding in basements.

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SDF entered a neighborhood in Raqqa


Post Views: 15 In the past few days, Syrian Democratic Forces fighters took control over some areas in the neighbourhood Nazlat Shahade in the city of Raqqa.

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