Tag "Reporters Without Borders"

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Turkey demands “patriotic” coverage of “Operation Olive Branch”(sic)


On January 24, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), the freedom-of-the-press NGO, with its head office in Paris, France, condemned the “increase in censorship and social media arrests in Turkey, that has accompanied the Afrin Operation.”

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IF FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IS DEMOCRACY, then what do you call this?


According to the 2017 World Press Freedom Index, the world is becoming a more dangerous place for journalists to do their job

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Eritrea: ‘Disappeared’ prisoner of conscience, Dawit Isaak, wins World press freedom prize, 2017


Post Views: 123 Eritrean writer and journalist and Swedish citizen (for all the good it does him) Dawit Isaak, has been awarded the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize 2017. The $25,000 award is named after Guillermo Cano Isaza, a

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