Tag "Reza Khandan"

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Iran – Ongoing Vendetta against Nasrin Sotoudeh 1


On September 26, Nasrin Sotoudeh, with her health deteriorating, broke her hunger strike, which had been ongoing since August 11 in defence of Iran’s political prisoners

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Update on Nasrin Sotoudeh – Hunger Striking Iranian Rights Campaigner 0


Nasrin Sotoudeh, the Iranian human rights lawyer serving 38 years in prison for  constantly and courageously standing up to and challenging the Islamic Republic of Iran, has now been on hunger strike since August 11

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Iran: Abusive forced veiling laws police women’s lives


Under the country’s compulsory veiling laws, women and girls – even those as young as seven – are forced to cover their hair with a headscarf against their will. Women who do not are treated as criminals by the state.

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