Tag "Syrian kurds"

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Rojava resistance: Day 6 – Live Blog


Post Views: 10 17:46 Violent clashes are reported in the village of Menecir, located between Til Temir and Serêkaniyê of which it belongs. Turkish war planes are bombing the village still full of civilians. 17:34 The invasion attacks and civilian massacres carried

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“Turkey’s Latest Invasion Plans Must be Stopped – Rojava Must Survive”


In a speech on 12 December, Erdogan threatened to launch a major military operation “east of the Euphrates” within “a few days” to cleanse the territory of Kurdish forces

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Syrian Kurds respond to Turkish accusation


YPG General Command said they have no links to the attack, remarking that Davuto?lu put forward this accusation to pave the way for an offensive on Rojava and Syria

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