Omagh murder fuels fears that terror groups have new weapons 0


Post Views: 41 Anti-ceasefire republicans better-organised, say security forces as booby-trapped car kills 25-year-old Ronan Kerr Henry McDonald and Richard Norton Taylor Forensic officers work at the scene after Catholic police officer Ronan Kerr, 25, was killed by a booby-trap

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Libya is another case of selective vigilantism by the west 0


Post Views: 9 Bombing Tripoli while shoring up other despots in the Arab world shows the UN-backed strikes to oust Gaddafi are purely cynical Tariq Ali Libya’s European ties … a man holds a British and a French national flag

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Post Views: 4 La decisione del Tribunale Supremo spagnolo di illegalizzare la formazione politica basca Sortu, non è stata unanime. Nove magistrati del Tribunale di ultima istanza hanno votato a favore mentre sette hanno espresso la loro posizione a favore

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PM Erdo?an says he is watching Syrian unrest with concern 0


Post Views: 5 EKREM DUMANLI LONDON/?STANBUL Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has expressed concern over unrest in neighboring Syria, saying he plans to have further talks with President Bashar al-Assad after he dismissed protests against his 11-year rule as the

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Gaddafi regime starts talks with the west to end conflict 0


Post Views: 4 Rebels offer ceasefire as doctor says seven civilians have been killed in an air strike Peter Beaumont , Chris McGreal in Benghazi and Nicholas Watt Libyan rebels shell pro-Gaddafi forces outside Brega. Photograph: Nasser Nasser/AP The regime

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Afghanistan: United Nations mission rocked by mob killings 0


Post Views: 10 Death toll unconfirmed after protesters storm Mazar-e-Sharif compound in response to Qur’an burning by US pastor Jon Boone in Kabul Afghans carrying a man wounded in the outbreak of violence at Mazar-e-Sharif. Photograph: Mustafa Najafizada/APThe United Nations

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Noam Chomsky: On Libya and the Unfolding Crises 0


Post Views: 8 Interviewed by Stephen Shalom and Michael AlbertBy Noam Chomsky and Stephen Shalom and Michael Albert 1. What are U.S. motives in international relations most broadly? That is, what are the over arching motives and themes one can pretty

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“DOSSIER” condotto da Walter Martinez 0


Post Views: 7 Nella programmazione della Televisione di stato venezuelana, Dossier rappresenta una formula informativa unica nel suo genere. I fatti di politica internazionale trattati con un linguaggio chiaro, didattico ma non lezioso; documenti in lingua originale tradotti in diretta

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