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Talking Peace

Öcalan: Process on but at critical stage 0


Post Views: 6 BDP Parliamentary Group president Pervin Buldan, BDP deputy ?dris Baluken and HDP (Democratic People’s Party) spokesperson on negotiation and solution process and vice president S?rr? Süreyya Önder have returned from the ?mral? island where they have visited

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Life Returning to Normal in Serêkaniyê 0


Post Views: 10 A new report by Aziz Köylüo?lu speaks to the situation of the city after the recent advances made by the YPG in the region. Below is a translation of the article in its entirety. Life is returning

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?emdinli marks the anniversary of the bomb attack on Umut Bookstore 0


Post Views: 5 People in Hakkari’s (Colemêrg) ?emdinli (?emzînan) district have closed their shops today to mark the eight anniversary of the bomb attack which was carried out by JITEM (Gendarmerie Intelligence and Anti-Terror Unit) and targeted the Umut Bookstore

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Bay?k: Kurdish National Congress should be grounded on a democratic model 0


Post Views: 5 Speaking to Yeni Özgür Politika daily about the Kurdish National Congress, and the reasons for its repeated postponement, KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council co-president Cemil Bay?k said that the KDP’s (Kurdistan Democrat Party) refusal of the

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Til Koçer border post seized by YPG 0


Post Views: 16 YPG (People’s Defense Units) have seized the Til Koçer border post on the frontier with Iraq early on Saturday, according to reports coming through. The border point was seized after three days of clashes with an al

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The Assassination Agenda 0


Post Views: 9 In a new book written by Pat Finucane Centre researcher Anne Cadwallader it is exposed once again how members of the British Crown forces were central to the orchestrated murder of prominent Catholics in the North of

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Kürkçü: HDP is for social and democratic rights 0


Post Views: 7 Everything is ready for HDP (People’s Democratic Party) congress which opened in Ankara on Saturday. BDP Mersin deputy Ertu?rul Kürkçü is one of the four BDP deputies (the other three are Istanbul deputies Sebahat Tuncel, S?rr? Süreyya

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Kurds fear a return to the past 0


Post Views: 7 With the beginning of the peace process started by  the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, Kurds are moving back to the villages from where they were  forcefully expelled and had their lands confiscated, says a report from D?HA.

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Önder could be a candidate at next elections 0


Post Views: 9 Speaking at the opening of the BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) office in Istanbul’s Sancaktepe district, BDP Istanbul deputy S?rr? Süreyya Önder said that struggle of Kurds will continue with the HDP (People’s Democratic Party).Önder congratulated the

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Eartquake victims on hunger strike 0


Post Views: 9 Earthquake victims who lost their houses in two major earthquakes that hit the province of Van in 2011, on 23 October and 9 November, went on an alternate hunger strike city early September. The hunger strike of

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