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Talking Peace

Let’s Tear Down that Wall 0


Post Views: 10 A committee from the Human Rights Foundation (?nsan Haklar? Derne?i – ?HD) inspected the wall now rising on the Nusabyin-Qamislo border  and made a call to “tear down the wall” on Friday. A committee comprised of the

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Police came at night 0


Post Views: 4 The Ankara municipality has waited the Feast of Sacrifice to launched the construction of a controversial road project crossing through the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) campus. They knew most students would not be in the camp

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Grave built for 133 PKK guerrillas 0


Post Views: 9 A monumental grave has been constructed in the village of Yukar? Olek (Olaka Jorê) in the province of Bitlis for 130 PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) militants who were buried in the area at different times. The monumental

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Olive Harvest Time In Rojava 0


Post Views: 2 Following the economic collapse in Syria that followed the beginning of the conflict in March 2011, Kurds are reclaiming their lands and creating economic opportunities in harsh conditions by encouraging cooperatives. The collecting of olives started in

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Wall of fear 0


Post Views: 8 When border fences and minefields were not enough to separate the Northern Kurds and the Kurds in Rojava, Turkey started to build a wall along the border, says a report in Friday’s Özgür Gündem. Resembling the Berlin

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Kürkçü: Gezi was an Uprising for the 21st Century 0


Post Views: 8 The BDP MP from Mersin, Ertu?rul Kürkçü, took part in a panel over the weekend as of part of the ongoing “Conversations on Rebellion” program at the Kumbara Art Workshop in the Pera district of Istanbul – according

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DISK criticizes work reform package 0


Post Views: 7 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an is expected to unveil a reform package on women’s employment after the Eid al-Adha. DISK (Confederation of Revolutionary Workers’ Unions) Secretary General and Dev Sa?l?k-?? President Arzu Çerkezo?lu spoke about the package which

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Turkey in Chinese missile deal 0


Post Views: 6 Turkey is likely to strike a $3.4 billion deal to acquire the Chinese FD-2000 missile defense system, in a move sparking objections of its NATO allies. Indeed Turkey preferred the Chinese deal to the U.S. or European

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Öcalan still hopeful process can progress 0


Extending her bairam greetings to the people in the province of I?d?r on Wednesday, BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) parliamentary group deputy chair Pervin Buldan talked about the most recent meeting she, together with ?dris Baluken, held with Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan in ?mral? prison.

According to Öcalan – Buldan said – the fact that no life has been loss, due to the unilateral PKK ceasefire, has been the only positive side of the resolution process going on for the last one year now.

Buldan said Öcalan believed the Turkish state and government should form the necessary legal ground if they want guerrillas to lay arms down and to get back into the society. “I still feel hopeful about this process which however requires some urgent legal arrangements from the government’s side.

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Líderes latinoamericanos impulsan la declaración de Aiete 0


Post Views: 3 En un acto específico sobre el proceso vasco que se celebra en el Museo de la Ciudad de México, la declaración de Aiete ha recibido la adhesión de dieciocho importantes líderes latinoamericanos, entre los que se incluyen

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