Öcalan: Process on but at critical stage


BDP Parliamentary Group president Pervin Buldan, BDP deputy ?dris Baluken and HDP (Democratic People’s Party) spokesperson on negotiation and solution process and vice president S?rr? Süreyya Önder have returned from the ?mral? island where they have visited Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan today.

Speaking to Sterk TV in the evening, S?rr? Süreyya Önder quoted the Kurdish leader as saying that “The peace process is continuing and has reached a critical point now. Despite all negative developments, we are determined on our will for peace.”

Önder said Öcalan commented the ending of state intervention in the ?mral? delegation as a substantial development, and extened his thanks to everyone who mobilized for peace and made contributions to it.

According to Önder, the Kurdish leader said most of the steps taken in the peace process so far were unilateral.

Öcalan put emphasis on the importance of “legal ground and substructure” in relation to the peace process, and underlined that there was an urgent need for democracy in order for the development of a solution to the Kurdish question and for the elimination of all kinds of probable conspiracies, said Önder.

Önder also conveyed Öcalan’s call to all democratic forces to contribute to the achievement of democratisation in the country.

The Kurdish leader -Önder added- said he was pleased to meet the representatives of two political parties, and remarked that the meetings should also be participated by press members, wise people and other political parties in the parliament. The Kurdish leader said this would have a positive effect on the process and stressed that the peace process mustn’t be wasted due to the elections and similar reasons.

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