Turkish democracy mature enough to defuse any tension with military’ 0


Post Views: 12 ERCAN YAVUZ, ABDULLAH BOZKURTANKARA The government’s calling the generals’ bluff over mass resignations, and its quick-fix solution to a brewing crisis on Friday night has shown the level of democratic maturity Turkey has gained in restoring civilian

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Cambiar el sistema 0


Post Views: 9 Ignacio Ramonet Le Monde Diplomatique Los eurófilos más extasiados lo machacan sin cesar: si no dispusiéramos del euro, dicen, las consecuencias de la crisis serían peores para muchos países europeos. Divinizan un euro “fuerte y protector”. Es

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‘Scores dead’ as Syrian tanks storm Hama city 0


Post Views: 11 At least 136 people reportedly killed in violence throughout the country, a day ahead of the start of Ramadan. Syrian security forces have launched a major assault on Hama, the country’s third-largest city, a day before the start

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DTK congress underway in Diyarbakir


Post Views: 20 Over 800 delegates and guests are meeting in Diyarbakir for the Democratic Society Congress The Democratic Society Congress (DTK) has met today in Diyarbakir for its two days congress. Over 800 people joined the meeting at the

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Libyan rebels fear rift after death of Abdel Fatah Younis 0


Post Views: 23 Abdul Mustafa Jalil announces the death of Younis – the Libyan rebels’ chief of army staff. Photograph: Sergey Ponomarev/AP The death of the Libyan rebels’ chief of army staff, Abdel Fatah Younis, has raised fears of a

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Pakistan forces accused of torture and killings 0


Post Views: 7  AP Relatives of missing persons from Balochistan sit outside a press club during a protest in Islamabad Security forces have seized scores of political activists since the civilian government was elected in 2008

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Post Views: 7 L’annuncio delle elezioni anticipate, la scadenza naturale era nel marzo 2012, è stata data oggi dal presidente, ormai uscente, Zapatero. La crisi economica e l’attacco dei mercati finanziari, la irrisolta questione basca, le proteste sociali sulla crisi

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Somalia, a failure of politics – Gerry Adams 0


Post Views: 7         Imagine walking from Belfast to Dublin or from Derry to Cork! Imagine doing it in your bare feet. Imagine walking in the scorching heat and with no water and food. Imagine carrying your

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No compassion for dying prisoner 0


Post Views: 8 Republican News. The Life Sentence Review Commission has refused release of critically ill republican prisoner on compassionate grounds as a growing human rights campaign continues to demand his release The reason given by the commissioners was that

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Post Views: 10 Maxime Azadi, Firatnews. L’Iran tramite l’Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) ha varcato i confini nell’ Kurdistan iracheno bombardando i villaggi kurdi, causando centinaia di sfollati e molti feriti, inclusi donne e bambini. Tali azioni militari hanno danneggiato

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