Turchia: fosse comuni nella regione kurda 0




Newala Kasaba, due parole che il popolo kurdo ha in testa come se fossero state scolpite nella loro mente. E in effetti è così. Newala Kasaba concentra in sé la maggior parte di ciò che è stata la guerra sporca contro il popolo kurdo. Newala Kasaba è un ampio campo collinare, alla periferia immediata di Siirt. Potrebbe essere una discarica. E infatti si possono trovare immondizie. Ma basta camminare a piedi per pochi metri per capire che questa terra nasconde qualcosa di più raccapricciante e orribile. Come sacchi della spazzatura, stanno venendo a galla, però non contengono spazzatura. Pezzi di vestiti rivelano ciò che è veramente nascosto sotto questi campi. La gente di Siirt conosce da molto tempo quale verità è stata sepolta qui per essere occultata ancora una volta, nelle intenzioni di coloro che commisero l’orrendo crimine di rapire gente, torturarla, ucciderla e infine scaricare e seppellire i loro corpi come fossero spazzatura. Newala Kasaba è un enorme cimitero, un cimitero dove sono stati sepolti gli orrori della guerra dello Stato turco contro i kurdi. Ma la verità non può essere sepolta per sempre. E infatti coloro che sono stati sepolti stanno lottando per uscire, per ricordare a tutti gli orribili, crudeli crimini commessi dallo stato turc
Si dice che più di 100 corpi sono sepolti a Newala Kasaba. Alcuni dicono che potrebbero essere anche 200. Tra questi si dice sia qui anche uno dei fondatori del PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), Mahsun Korkmaz.

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Libyan rebels say military commander killed 0


Post Views: 8 AP BENGHAZI Abdel Fattah Younes The head of the Libyan rebel’s armed forces and two of his aides were killed by gunmen Thursday, the head of the rebel leadership said.The death of Abdel-Fattah Younis was announced at

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Somalia – a failure of politics 0


Post Views: 10 By Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams Imagine walking from Belfast to Dublin or from Derry to Cork! Imagine doing it in your bare feet. Imagine walking in the scorching heat and with no water and food. Imagine

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No compassion for dying prisoner 0


Post Views: 2 The Life Sentence Review Commission has refused release of critically ill republican prisoner Brendan Lillis on compassionate grounds as a growing human rights campaign continues to demand his release. The reason given by the commissioners was that

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Mubarak trial to be held in Cairo 0


Post Views: 4 Egypt’s ex-president and his two sons Alaa and Gamal are scheduled to appear in court on August 3  Egypt’s health minister has said that Mubarak is healthy enough to be moved from Sharm el-Sheikh [GALLO/GETTY] The trial of

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NATO takes control of Kosovo border crossings amid ethnic tension 0


Post Views: 8 AP PRISTINA, KOSOVO Slovenian troops serving in the NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo set up a checkpoint on the bridge in the ethnically divided town of Mitrovica on Thursday. American and French peacekeepers took control of two

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Delegation prevented to reach clash area 0


Post Views: 13 A delegation was denied access to the area where on 14 July thirteen soldiers died It was in the air. Yet it was not only worth but a sort of duty trying. The delegation made up of

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Côte d’Ivoire: climate of fear stopping return of displaced people 0


Post Views: 10   Ethnically targeted killings have left people scared to leave safe temporary camps © Amnesty International Côte d’Ivoire security forces and a state-backed militia are creating a climate of fear that is preventing hundreds of thousands of people displaced

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Pakistan: Security Forces ‘Disappear’ Opponents in Balochistan 0


Post Views: 6   Demonstration in front of Pakistan’s Supreme Court by relatives of “disappeared” persons from Balochistan province, January 5, 2010. © 2010 Human Rights Watch Government Fails to Confront Military, Intelligence Agencies on Abuses (New York) – Pakistan’s government should

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Norway Shooting Shines Light on Country’s Cushy Penal System 0


Post Views: 6 Reuters  As anti-Islam extremist Anders Behring Breivik prepares to stand trial for killing 76 people in Oslo and the Utøya island on Friday, journalists are increasingly turning their attention to Norway’s unique approach to law enforcement. The Telegraph‘s Raf Sanchez notes today

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