Haití, País ocupado 0


Post Views: 18 Eduardo Galeano Brecha Consulte usted cualquier enciclopedia. Pregunte cuál fue el primer país libre en América. Recibirá siempre la misma respuesta: Estados Unidos. Pero Estados Unidos declaró su independencia cuando era una nación con 650 mil esclavos,

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Social network campaign to support mayor Demirba? 0


Post Views: 13 The mayor is suffering for a life-threatening illness but cannot travel abroad to get adequate medical treatment I am the mayor of Sur municipality in Amed (Diyarbakir), Abdullah Demirba?. I have disease called DVT and it can

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A letter to Sweden Pen from jailed writer and lawyer Muharrem Erbey 0


Post Views: 6 There is no denying that I have used my mind and my pen in the peaceful struggle for human rights, says lawyer Erbey The Kurdish author, lawyer and human rights activist Muharrem Erbey was jailed in December

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President Gül officially opened new Parliament term 0


Post Views: 4 Demirta?: we are here to represent the people who voted for us Before entering Parliament today, BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) co-chair Selahattin Demirta? undelrined the fact that “this group, freely and democratically elected by the people,

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Post Views: 9   Nuovo cambio nello scenario politico basco. La notizia è stata data dal quotidiano basco Gara. “ EKIN decide di auto sciogliersi dopo una riflessione interna. Nel contesto del Gudari Eguna (giornata del soldato basco). Ekin ha

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Post Views: 21 In un comunicato che sarà pubblicato domani dal quotidiano basco Gara,  ETA annuncia  “che assume l’impegno di collaborare con la Commissione Internazionale di Verifica” una iniziativa che definisce come “un passo importante” per avanzare nel processo di

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The Arab Spring’s unintended consequences 0


Post Views: 12 In Iraq, sectarian violence continues to flare – this year being the costliest for the US since the 2007 surge Christopher R Hill The US was unprepared for the amount of sectarian violence that would result from

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Anarquismo, Software Libre y Comunidad 0


Post Views: 12 Federación Local de Madrid CNT-AIT/Sección de Telecomunicaciones y Servicios Informáticos Dossier sobre el Software Libre ¿Es el Software Libre un movimiento anarquista? ¿Son tan importantes las libertades que aporta a sus usuarias y usuarios o lo es

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El nuevo “sistema-mundo” 0


Post Views: 5 Ignacio Ramonet Le Monde Diplomatique Cuando se acaban de cumplir diez años desde los atentados del 11 de septiembre y tres años desde la quiebra del banco Lehman Brothers ¿cuáles son las características del nuevo “sistema-mundo”? La

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BDP deputies to enter Parliament today 0


Post Views: 9 Labor, Democracy and Freedom Block deputies will enter Parliament today. But five MPs remain behind bars In an hour or so Labor, Democracy and Freedom Block deputies will enter Parliament. In fact not all the deputies will

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