Insane Bloodshed, Not Revolutionary Movement – Ibrahim al-Amin 0


Post Views: 28         Al-Akhbar-English.The images of death brought to us from Homs, Idlib and Hama no longer consist of footage posted on the internet of protesters attacked or shot by the security forces. They now feature

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Nuclear agency says Iran worked on weapons 0


Post Views: 3 IAEA says in new report it has “serious concerns about possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme”The UN nuclear watchdog has expressed concern about Iran’s nuclear activities in a new report detailing what it calls “credible” information that Tehran may have worked

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Will Freedom for Syria Mean Freedom for the Kurds? 0


Post Views: 5 By ADIB ABDULMAJID  After decades of oppression and exclusion in Syria, Kurds are continuing their bitter struggle against the dictatorship of Assad regime and the Baath party’s Arabization policy.In the early 1960s, the Kurdish revolution against the

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Sic transit gloria Berlusconi 0


Post Views: 6 Italia: Berlusconi promete dimitir tras aprobar la Ley de Estabilidad que exige la UE Gorka Larrabeiti Rebelión El Presidente del Consejo de Ministros italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, anunció ayer al Presidente de la República que renunciará a su

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¿Dónde está la izquierda en esta tormenta económica? 0


Post Views: 4 Serge Halimi Le Monde diplomatique Traducido para Rebelión por Caty R. Mientras el capitalismo vive su crisis más grave desde los años 30, los principales partidos de izquierda parecen mudos y confusos. Como mucho prometen remendar el

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Jailed for sailing to Gaza 0


Post Views: 8 Two boats of solidarity activists on their way to Gaza were intercepted by the Israeli navy in international waters Robert Naiman and Medea Benjamin Israel blockades Gaza’s borders, as well as controlling the territory’s coastline and airspace

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The decline of British human rights 0


Post Views: 2 Given its recent record, Britain and its civic society needs to learn lessons from struggles for human rights abroad Nabil Ahmed   UK detainee Babar Ahmad has been in prison for seven years without trial [GALLO/GETTY] As

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Reports: Violence erupts in Syrian city 0


Post Views: 5 Activists say security crackdown launched by government in Hama alongside military campaign in nearby Homs Armed men claiming to be from the ‘Syrian Free Army’ march in Homs, site of a government crackdown [YouTube] Government tanks and

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Erdo?an: Don’t expect KCK operations to stop 0


Post Views: 11 The PM reiterated that the repression of Kurdish people, and their friends, is to continue No one should expect us to stop anti-KCK operations”. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an made it clear that the government has no

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Mensaje de solidaridad de la Organización de la Libertad de las Mujeres en Iraq a Occupy Wall Street 0


Post Views: 8 Organización de la Libertad de las Mujeres en Iraq Jadaliya Traducido para Rebelion por Loles Oliván Compañeros y compañeras de Occupy Wall Street,Los pueblos del mundo os están observando, siguen vuestras noticias y esperan no sólo que

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