Turkey says Syria humanitarian corridor not on agenda 0


Post Views: 8 TODAYSZAMAN.COM WITH REUTERS, Turkish soldiers are seen surveying the border with Syria from a military post in this June 2011 file photo. (Photo: AP) Turkey will follow the Arab League in imposing economic sanctions on Syria, but

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Cuatro soldados murieron por actuación del ejército, cuando su liberación ya estaba decidida 0


Post Views: 13 ¿Qué pasó en la selva? ¿Por qué creer la versión de un régimen culpable de 3.200 asesinatos de civiles? Colectivo por la Paz con Justicia Social Rebelión Sólo tenemos las informaciones de los militares: no hay una

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Entrevista a Víctor Queipul, lonko mapuche 0


Post Views: 5 “La Comunidad de Temucuicui está militarizada, el Estado impone represión y persecución” Mario Casasús Clarín de Chile/Rebelión En entrevista exclusiva con Clarín.cl Víctor Queipul, lonko de la Comunidad Autónoma de Temucuicui, denuncia: “ El Estado chileno tiene

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Egypt’s Islamists: Betting on the Ballot Box 0


Post Views: 2   Supporters of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood ‘The Freedom and Justice Party’ participate in a march in support of the party ahead of parliamentary elections, in Cairo 16 November 2011. (Photo: REUTERS – Mohamed Abd El-Ghany) By: Ursula

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Erdogan, Dersim and the KCK 0


Post Views: 9 How convenient for Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to throw the Dersim massacre apology on the table precisely on the days in which “law is being murdered” to quote BDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtas. It has become a

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Tides of the Arab revolutions 0


Post Views: 8 As calls for intervention increase, ask not who will replace dictators and when, ask what replaces the regimes and howMarwan Bishara Some in Syria’s opposition  have begun to call for military intervention, and the implementation of a

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Polls open in Egypt’s landmark elections 0


Post Views: 4 Egyptians vote for first time since Hosni Mubarak was toppled, as protests continue across country for tenth dayEgyptians have started casting their ballots for the first parliamentary elections since former president Hosni Mubarak was toppled in a popular uprising earlier this

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Otegi: “Si hay voluntad política y talla de estadista en el presidente de España, la mayoría absoluta puede ser una ventaja” 0


Post Views: 1 ENTREVISTA A ARNALDO OTEGIEl grupo Vocento ha entrevistado a Arnaldo Otegi a través de un cuestionario previo que ha respondido desde la cárcel de Logroño, donde el líder independentista emplaza a Mariano Rajoy a “actuar con responsabilidad”

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Öcalan’s lawyers and a journalist sent to prison 0


Post Views: 16 PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s lawyers are remanded in custody The KCK trial at Istanbul Courthouse, which continued without the lawyers of defendants after the boycott at Court, has been concluded. Releasing eight lawyers and Asr?n Law Office

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A day in the life of a Maghaberry prisoner 0


Post Views: 16 Irish Republican Prisoner DD McLaughlin writes on protest against strip-searching and other abuses at Maghberry Prison We received and published this open letter by Irish Republican Prisoner DD McLaughlin who is in Maghaberry prison in the North

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