Los resultados oficiales confirman la victoria de los islamistas del Partido Justicia y Desarrollo 0


Post Views: 6 ELECCIONES EN MARRUECOSEl islamista Partido Justicia y Desarrollo (PJD) ha obtenido el mayor número de diputados para el nuevo Parlamento marroquí, 80, según resultados difundidos por el ministro del Interior, Taieb Cherqaui, correspondientes a 288 de los

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«Trabajemos hoy por el reconocimiento y la verdad» 0


Post Views: 5 NUEVO TIEMPO EN EUSKAL HERRIA El documento presentado a la opinión pública por este grupo de víctimas de la violencia estatal ayer en Bilbo, y leído por Carmen Galdeano e Idoia Muruaga, consta de cinco puntos y

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Víctimas de la violencia estatal dicen que la mayor reparación es una solución democrática 0


Post Views: 13 NUEVO TIEMPO EN EUSKAL HERRIA Víctimas de la violencia estatal se han unido para lanzar un mensaje con mucho contenido: «El daño causado no puede ser reparado totalmente, las pérdidas humanas son irrecuperables, pero mostramos nuestra voluntad

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Syria given extra day to accept Arab plan 0


Post Views: 17 Government has until Friday to sign a protocol allowing rights monitors into the country or face sanctions Arab ministers would meet on Sunday to review the proposed sanctions if Syria does not sign the protocol [Reuters] The

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Egypt activists step up pressure on military 0


Post Views: 4 Thousands camp out in Tahrir Square amid calls for another mass protest as military rulers move to form new cabinet Malika BilalCairo, Egypt – Demonstrators demanding an immediate end to military rule in Egypt are gearing up for another

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¿Quién decide hoy la música que se escucha en Cuba? 0


Post Views: 18   Lucas no ha hecho famoso al Chupi chupi. La asociación de distintas ideas no se puede explicar. Leyendo en el periódico Granma el texto La vulgaridad en nuestra música: ¿una elección del “pueblo cubano”?, de María Córdova,

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Morocco Votes: A Postponed Revolution? 0


Post Views: 7   A man walks by a wall marked by the numbers of districts where civilians should go to vote, in Marrakech 23 November 2011. (Photo: REUTERS – Jean Blondin) By: Joe Dyke Published Friday, November 25, 2011

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AKP takes over the republic 0


Post Views: 5 ETYEN MAHÇUPYAN Religious circles in Turkey have never had any problem with the republican regime itself; tension between the regime and religious people came about from the exclusionary administration of a clique that monopolized the republic and

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???Rethinking military service 0


Post Views: 7 Nicole PopeThe matter was hotly debated for months and a decision eagerly awaited, but Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s announcement of the terms for paid army duty exemption has not put an end to the controversy. The

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Sabotage on the last bridge 0


Post Views: 6 Özgür Gündem Hundreds of people were taken into custody on Tuesday in the context of the “KCK” operation. The head office of our paper Özgür Gündem was also raided by police, which made copies of our hard

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