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Post Views: 11 Rashad Abu Shawer Al-Quds al-Arabi Traducción del árabe de Antonio Martínez Castro En mi primera visita a la República Popular y Democrática de Yemen, después de aterrizar el avión del ALYEMDA (Democratic Yemen Airlines) en el aeropuerto
Read MoreMedia reform: In the public interest 0
Post Views: 6 Reforming the media after the phone hacking scandal: a Red Pepper roundtable If powerful interests are to be prevented from closing down the movement for wholesale reform of the media in the wake of the News International
Read MoreBlasts in Syrian capital as Assad vows crackdown 0
Post Views: 8 AP, BEIRUT Demonstrators against Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad take part in a march after Friday prayers in Kafranbel near Adlb on Nov. 18, 2011. (Photo: Reuters) Residents in the Syrian capital awoke to two loud explosions Sunday
Read MoreWhy haven’t the 2011 protests hit Russia? 0
Post Views: 6 If mass unrest hits Russia, it won’t be in the form of ‘Occupy’ protests – it will be nationalist Sean Guillory Half of Russians say that their life is ‘difficult but possible to endure’, according to a
Read MoreCairo protesters battle security forces 0
Post Views: 5 Fresh clashes in Tahrir Square after crackdown on demonstrations against military rule leaves at least 20 people deadProtesters calling for Egypt’s military to hand over power have beaten back a new raid by security forces to evict them from
Read MoreAmaiur logra 333.600 votos y 7 escaños para impulsar también en Madrid el nuevo tiempo político 0
Post Views: 5 ELECCIONES EN UN NUEVO TIEMPO PP y PSOE pierden seis diputados vascos respecto a 2008 y tienen menos votos que los abertzales. Hitos en Nafarroa, con dos electos abertzales en Madrid por primera vez, y en Araba,
Read MoreEspaña afronta un momento crítico y Euskal Herria uno histórico; la clave es la soberanía 0
Post Views: 5 Las elecciones de ayer vuelven a mostrar que en Euskal Herria y en el Estado español se viven dinámicas políticas diferentes, incluso opuestas. Mientras en el Estado español toca alternancia en Euskal Herria se está conformando una
Read MoreTurkey against military intervention in Syria 0
Post Views: 5 Turkey will not take part in any military intervention aiming to change the regime in Syria, Turkish Foreign Ministry sources said Nov. 18. “Contingency planning is ready,” a source told a group of journalists in a
Read MoreArab revolts – past and present 0
Post Views: 25 Arabs have historically revolted every decade against rulers and the west has counter-revolted most attemptsJoseph Massad Arafats Road to Olslo began in the 1970s with the large scale funding pouring in from the Gulf countries [EPA] New
Read MoreGrecia: golpe de Estado europeo frente a un levantamiento popular 0
Post Views: 5 Stathis Kouvelaki Contretemps Traducido del francés para Rebelión por Beatriz Morales Bastos Así pues, es en Grecia donde se ha estrenado la nueva pieza que promete tener un gran éxito en esta estación política europea y que
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