Una reflexión para el día de la reflexión 0


Post Views: 8 Sol Trumbo Rebelión Me siento a escribir esto quizás un poco tarde ya que las elecciones son mañana, pero no quiero dejar de compartir unos pensamientos que me afectan mucho de cara a estas elecciones.En primer lugar

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Anatomy of Germany’s murders: Are politicians to blame? 0


Post Views: 6 SÜLEYMAN BA?, BERLIN A neo-Nazi group that has killed nine immigrants and a police officer in Germany since 2006 came to light by mere chance this past week, and the discovery is extremely troublesome for Germany, since

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Capture of Gaddafi son ends ‘Libyan drama’ 0


Post Views: 8 REUTERS, ZINTAN Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is seen sitting in a plane in Zintan on Nov. 19, 2011. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi told Reuters on Saturday that he was feeling fine after being captured by some of the fighters

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November 17: Historic Day of Action for the 99% 0


Post Views: 4 OccupyWallSt November 17 Day of Action: Over 30,000 People Rally in New York City (NYPD estimated 32,500), including organized contingents of workers, students, and other members of “the 99%” Actions in at least 30 cities across the

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Egyptians gather for rally in Tahrir Square 0


Post Views: 4 Middle East Rally called by both Islamist and secular groups aimed at pressing military rulers to hand power to civilian government The rally in Tahrir Square was called over a controversial document floated by the government [Malika Bilal/Al

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Imprisoned Moroccan Rapper Defied the King 0


Post Views: 23 By: Muhammad al-Khodayri From the early days of the protests in Morocco, rapper al-Haked’s anti-regime songs echoed in the streets, until he was arrested on dubious grounds. Calling himself “The Spiteful” (al-Haked), an anonymous protester released a

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Syria’s Economic Woes: Signs of Things to Come? 0


Post Views: 12   A giant copy of the new 100 Syrian lira note hangs at the entrance of Syria’s Central Bank in Damascus. (Photo: AFP – Joseph Eid) By: Tarek Abd al-Hayy Syrians are bracing for hard economic times

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Fakhri Barghouti: Recounting a Lifetime of Struggle 0


Post Views: 8   (Photo: Toufic Haddad) By: Toufic Haddad After 33 years in captivity, Fakhri Barghouti returned to his people and his family as part of the Gilad Shalit deal last month. He shared with al-Akhbar the painful memories

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Occupy Wall Street y el nuevo mundo feliz 0


Post Views: 5 Amy Goodman Democracy Now! Traducido por Mercedes Camps. Edición: María Eva Blotta y Democracy Now! en español Apenas pasada la 1 de la madrugada del martes recibimos la noticia de que la policía de la ciudad de Nueva

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El partido de Suu Kyi se presentará a las elecciones parlamentarias 0


Post Views: 5 MYANMAR La Liga Nacional para la Democracia (LND), liderada por Aung Saan Suu Kyi, ha anunciado que pedirá su legalización y se presentará a las elecciones parlamentarias. Aung San Suu Kyi interviene en la reunión de la

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