Romney lays claim to Republican nomination 0


Post Views: 8 Mitt Romney outlines upcoming campaign against Barack Obama after comfortably winning clean sweep of five US primaries Having secured victory in the five latest Republican primaries, Mitt Romney has launched his campaign as the party’s presumptive presidential

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Hollande, ¿primera elección o mal menor? 0


Post Views: 3 La primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales francesas estuvo llena de sorpresas. La menor fue la victoria del candidato socialista, François Hollande. La segunda y más chocante, los espectaculares resultados de la candidata ultraderechista y populista, Marine

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Britain destroyed records of colonial crimes 0


Post Views: 18 Review finds thousands of papers detailing shameful acts were culled, while others were kept secret illegally Ian Cobain, Owen Bowcott and Richard Norton-Taylor Hanslope Park, where the Foreign Office kept a secret archive of colonial papers. Photograph:

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Salir cojeando de Afganistán 0


Post Views: 2 Immanuel Wallerstein La Jornada Los dos candidatos a la presidencia de Estados Unidos parecen tratar de gritar más fuerte que el otro en lo que concierne a Irán, Siria, e Israel/Palestina. Cada uno de ellos alega que

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Turkey bypasses Syria to reach Middle East via Egyptian ports 0


Post Views: 6   Egypt’s Minister of Transport Galal Moustafa Saeed and Turkey’s Economy Minister Zafer Ça?layan signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday for the establishment of a transit transportation route connected by a Ro-Ro line. (Photo: AA) AYDIN

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General Staff asked “silence” about Roboski 0


Post Views: 8 Speaking at the reception on the occasion of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, Turkish Chief of General Staff Necdet Özel touched on the Roboski event and asked for “silence” from the press. Özel claimed the

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Hollande wins first round in French election 0


Post Views: 8 Socialist presidential candidate set for May 6 runoff with Nicolas Sarkozy, as far right’s Marine Le Pen comes third Socialist challenger Francois Hollande has narrowly won the first round of France’s presidential election, setting himself up for a

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Después de la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales Francia: ¿El cambio es ahora? 0


Post Views: 3 Franck Gaudichaud Rebelión Desde ayer por la noche, conocemos los primeros resultados de la elección presidencial francesa. Esperando tener un conteo detallado y exhaustivo para un análisis más fino de esta primera vuelta electoral en el país

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Turkey blocks Israel from NATO summit 0


Post Views: 5 ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily NewsTurkey blocks the participation of Israel in a NATO summit in May despite calls from NATO allies including the US. ‘There will be no Israeli presence unless they issue a formal apology’ for

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Last chance for Cyprus reunification lost as UN calls off conference 0


Post Views: 8   UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (C) attends a photo call next to Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias (L) and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervi? Ero?lu during a meeting with the leaders of the Greek and Turkish Cyprus communities

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