Back to homepage?ahin: Gov’t will look at what reason and science say about abortion 0
Post Views: 9 Fatma ?ahin (Photo: AA) TODAY’S ZAMAN, ?STANBUL Following anti-abortion remarks by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an against abortion last week, Family and Social Policy Minister Fatma ?ahin has announced that the government will use reason and
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Post Views: 21 Expolio en los ancestrales bosques primarios en el norte de la Karelia rusaIda Karlsson IPS IKEA, gigante de la venta de muebles fundada en 1943 en Suecia, es duramente criticada porque su subsidiaria Swedwood tala ancestrales bosques primarios
Read MoreLa juez del “caso Jon Anza” reconoce anomalías pero elude investigarlas 0
Post Views: 8 MUERTE DE JON ANZA Durante cuatro horas, la juez Myriam Viargues, que instruye el “caso Jon Anza”, atendió ayer a su familia. Ni esta ni los letrados quedaron satisfechos de las explicaciones de la magistrada, que elude
Read MoreErdo?an, abortion and Roboski massacre 0
Post Views: 7 These words are not just the paranoia of an islamic prime minister I am a prime minister who opposes caesarean births, and I know all this is being done on purpose. I know these are steps taken
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Post Views: 11 In this photo dated May 29, 2012 released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows UN-Arab League joint special envoy for Syria (JSE) Kofi Annan (L) listening to Syrian President Bashar Assad, speak during a
Read MoreHealth Minister says anti-abortion bill to be ready next month 0
Post Views: 10 Turkish Health Minister Recep Akda? speaks during a visit he paid to the state-run Anatolia news agency on May 30, 2012. (Photo: AA)TODAYSZAMAN.COMFollowing strong remarks by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an against abortion last week, Turkish Health
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Post Views: 15 TODAYSZAMAN.COM Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has said his government is planning to build a huge mosque on ?stanbul’s highest hill in the Çaml?ca district on the Anatolian side of the city near a prominent TV
Read MoreHoula massacre survivor tells how his family were slaughtered 0
Post Views: 10 Syrian boy, 11, claims he played dead to escape pro-Assad gunmen who killed five members of family in Houla Martin Chulov in Beirut A mass burial of victims killed in the central Syrian city of Houla in
Read MoreFukushima radiation seen in tuna off California 0
Post Views: 9 (Photo: EPAREUTERS, WASHINGTON Low levels of nuclear radiation from the tsunami-damaged Fukushima power plant have turned up in bluefin tuna off the California coast, suggesting that these fish carried radioactive compounds across the Pacific Ocean faster than
Read MoreTurkish court accepts indictment against top Israeli commanders 0
Post Views: 11 An indictment prepared by an ?stanbul prosecutor seeks nine aggravated life imprisonment sentences for each of the four Israeli commanders involved in a 2010 Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left nine Turks dead.
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