Ferhat Encü: Families will not accept injustice


The Parliamentary Uludere Sub-Commission has finally released its 76-paged report on Roboski massacre. The report has been strongly criticized for concluding that the massacre happened without deliberate intent and as a result of lack of coordination between military officials and civilian authorities.

After being read to commission members from four political parties in the parliament, the report was passed by AKP (Justice and Development Party) members despite the reaction BDP (Peace and Democracy Party), CHP (Republican People’s Party) and MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) deputies raised against the voting which was held closed to the commission members. The draft report was distributed to commission members but was later recollected on the grounds of the “confidentiality” decision ruled by the commission president, AKP Ordu deputy ?hsan ?ener.
The report neither named any authorities responsible for the massacre, nor mentioned any criminal complaint against authorities.

Speaking to ANF about the report, Ferhat Encü, who lost his 11 relatives in the massacre, said he wasn’t surprised by the result of the report which he commented as the expected unjust consequence. Encü remarked that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and his ministers have been trying to justify the massacre since the day it took place. “It is obvious that the report aims to justify those responsible for the killing of 34 Kurdish civilians while there is a deliberate intent in the bombardment and murderers are clear. It is unacceptable that this obviously organized massacre is intended to be justified on the grounds of lack of coordination”, he underlined.

Remarking that the report didn’t present an answer to the questions “who gave the order to fire” and “who set the target”, Encü said that “The state is trying to absolve itself from the massacre by means of the parliamentary commission. We, families of Roboski victims, will no doubt react in the strongest way against this approach which is beyond argument unacceptable”.

Encü called on the public opinion not to remain silent against the unjust report.

The commission president ?hsan ?ener had earlier said that the massacre could have happened as a result of a mistake or an innocent security operation. ?ener had also stated that the report would present no information about who gave the order to fire.

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