New NSA leaks show how US is bugging its European allies 0


Post Views: 4 Edward Snowden papers reveal 38 targets including EU, France and Italy One of the bugging methods mentioned is codenamed Dropmire, which according to a 2007 document is ‘implanted on the Cryptofax at the EU embassy, DC’. Photograph:

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An Epidemic of Military Suicides 0


Post Views: 12 The Latest Victim of America’s War Crimes  Pin my medals upon my chest Tell my mom I’ve done my best Rennes, France. On June 10th of this year, Daniel Somers, a veteran of more than 400 combat

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The Unrelenting Economic War on Cuba 0


Post Views: 2 Trying to Destroy The Danger of a Good Example  If it weren’t bad enough that the U.S. has imposed an illegal embargo against Cuba for over 50 years, it has also tried to prevent those interested in

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The Clintons and the Rich Women 0


Post Views: 7 Fixers Indicated That Hillary Was a Key Player in the Marc Rich Pardon Deal Hillary Clinton, presidential aspirant, has never addressed her role in the midnight pardon of billionaire fugitive Marc Rich, who died this week. In

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Brasil: lecciones para la izquierda y… 0


Post Views: 9 La presidenta Dilma Rouseff mostró la madera de que está hecha con la firme voluntad rectificadora expresada ante las grandes protestas de las últimas semanas. Dialogó con el Movimiento Pase Libre, lo que ningún gobernante ha hecho

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Chine-Amérique latine : au cœur des déséquilibres du nouveau commerce Sud-Sud 0


Post Views: 3 L’Amérique latine pourrait-elle devenir, ces prochaines années, une « plateforme extraterritoriale » de la Chine dont la fonction serait de permettre à cette dernière d’assurer et d’augmenter ses exportations – notamment dans les secteurs de l’électronique, de l’industrie

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Time for an Economy Of, By and For the People 0


Post Views: 5 The Crisis of Big Business The reaction to Ben Bernanke suggestion that it may be time to wind down the easy money policies which have been injecting $85 billion into the hands of Wall Street each month

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El agua, negocio privado 0


Post Views: 15 España. Impelidos por la falta de recursos, los municipios privatizan los servicios de abastecimiento y depuración Sanidad, educación, dependencia…Y abastecimiento y depuración de agua en los municipios. No cesa la sangría de privatizaciones. En el caso del

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The Right to the City Movement and the Turkish Summer 0


Post Views: 12 [A protestor and police in Gezi Park. 31 May 2013. From Yücel Tunca via Nar Photos.] As I write this, Istanbul is under siege. The might of Istanbul’s entire police force—the largest city police force in Europe—is

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Lebanon: Police Torturing Vulnerable People 0


Post Views: 9 Need Effective Redress, Oversight, Complaints Mechanism (Beirut) – Lebanese Internal Security Forces threaten, ill-treat, and torture drug users, sex workers, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in their custody, Human Rights Watch said in a

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