Patrasso: InshAllah Italia


Grecia Patrasso 2011 rifugiati afghani. Foto di Mauro Guglieminotti

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Press Council uphold complaint against Irish Independent


The broadcasting ban, which barred my voice from being heard on the British media, was one of the more bizarre responses of the British state to the conflict

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From Diyarbakkir to Lalish: Walking in the Footsteps of Genocide


Iraqi novelist Layla Qasrany traveled to Turkey to commemorate the Armenian genocide

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A un año del inicio de la operación “Margen Protector”: breves apuntes desde la perspectiva del derecho internacional 0


El 7 de julio del 2014, debutó la operación israelí en Gaza denominada “Margen Protector”. El saldo final elevaría la cifra a 556 niños palestinos muertos

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The tragedy and courage of Ballymurphy


Today – Wednesday – the Dáil debate an all-party motion in support of the Ballymurphy Massacre Relatives. Their story is one of great tragedy, courage and tenacity

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Arab Women Writers


Nine acclaimed Arab women writers chose favorite books by other Arab women writers

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Un balance provisional a seis meses del reinicio de relaciones Cuba- Estados Unidos


Los resultados prácticos del proceso de normalización entre los EE-UU y Cuba pueden parecer escasos a seis meses de su reinicio oficial pero no se pueden esperar avances rápidos tras más de cinco décadas y media de desencuentros

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Loyalist intimidation has reached shocking new levels after sectarian graffiti appeared in south Belfast that threatens to ‘crucify’ Catholics

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Great Books Behind Omar Sharif ’s Films


Omar Sharif is perhaps best-known for his role in Dr. Zhivago, based on the classic novel by Boris Pasternak. But many of his films were based on acclaimed books

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Interface areas brace for parades


Thousands of PSNI police have been deployed to facilitate the marches by the anti-Catholic Orange Order

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