1981 Hunger Strike – inflicted a historic defeat on the Thatcher government


Several weeks ago Sinn Féin’s hugely successful and popular re-enactment of the funeral of O’Donovan Rossa showed what can be achieved to further popularise the struggle for freedom, as well as to celebrate the lives of national heroes

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Yes Meet Jez


Much space in the newspaper comment pages has been given over to speculation about what a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour party would mean for Scotland’s independence movement

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Remembering the Hunger Strikers – National Commemoration Sunday August 23rd


Post Views: 22   National Hunger strike March is on Sunday August 23rd. Assemble 2.15pm Bailigh at 2.15 to walk to New Inn, Newry Road at 3pm1981 was a tumultuous period in modern Irish history and the 1981 hunger strike

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Arabic literature: a little gold mine


Marcia Linx Qualey runs a very interesting blog. a fascinating one for many aspects. It is called “Arab literature in English” and it is an incredible source of information, reviews, suggestion

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La cooptación económica de la insurgencia


Actualmente hay una tendencia mundial, por parte del sistema dominante, de categorizar a los movimientos insurgentes como redes criminales de negocios, quitándoles su esencia revolucionaria

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Gaza war cross-examined in Scottish courts


After a gruelling fourteen day trial, a group of activists known as the Thales Ten,* received their verdict in Glasgow Sheriff Court last week. Five were convicted, and five acquitted, of the crime of breach of the peace

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Well done File


I want to commend The Patrick O’Connell Memorial Fund Group which comprises soccer fans from Ireland, Scotland, England and Spain

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Corbyn brings along a refreshing ideological alternative


Corbyn seems to re-unite the Brits. He cares for the weak. He opposes interventionist wars. He represents the return of the good old left as opposed to New Labour’s affinity with big money

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Celebrating O’Donovan Rossa – A continuum of struggle


Post Views: 12 In February Sinn Féin launched our national campaign to mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising. It was and is a first class programme which included a re-enactment of the funeral of veteran Fenian Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa.In

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Declaration to the Peoples of Turkey and the world,


Declaration to the Peoples of Turkey and the World, Signed by 232 Academics in Turkey

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