Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas aprueba izar bandera de Palestina


El pasado 10 de septiembre, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas adoptó una resolución mediante la cual la bandera palestina (así como la bandera de la Santa Sede) pueden ser izadas en la sede de la organización en Nueva York

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Uncomfortable Conversations for Reconciliation


Uncomfortable Conversations – An Initiative for Dialogue towards Reconciliation is a book published by Sinn Féin

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33 Years Later: Memory and Violence in Literary Sabras and Shatilas


It’s now been thirty-three years since the Sabra and Shatila massacres in Lebanon’s Palestinian refugee camps. They continue to show up in novels, poems, and memoirs

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Refugees: The Road to compassion


Aylan was not asleep. His death was not peaceful. He had died with his five year old brother Galip and mother Rihan and seven other refugees trying to cross the five dangerous miles from Turkey – which is outside the EU –to the Greek island of Kos which is inside the EU

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Stormont collapse likely after DUP ultimatum is rejected 


A Stormont committee has refused on Thursday to adjourn the Six County Assembly despite a DUP threat that it would otherwise pull down the North’s political institutions

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It’s about elections – stupid


This week 21 years ago the IRA announced its “complete cessation of military operations”. It was a momentous decision that came after many years of intense and difficult hard work

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La devolución de la base de Guantánamo: primeras consideraciones de la CELAC


En día pasados, varios medios de prensa han dado a conocer que la CELAC ha incluido el tema de la devolución de Guantánamo a Cuba en sus discusiones sobre la normalización de las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos

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