Cairo’s Merit Publishing House, Townhouse Gallery Raided; One Merit Staffer Arrested, Released


Two major Cairo cultural institutions saw attacks from the Egyptian state in the twenty-four hours

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Defeating the monster


So the choices of François Hollande and the government of Manuel Valls, in the aftermath of the massacre by Daesh in the streets of Paris, not only appear as an emotional reaction: they are rather a step in the construction of the state of exception

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What Future for Gaelic Arts ?


The Scottish blog Bella Caledonia reports that Pròiseact nan Ealain / The National Gaelic Arts Agency has announced they are winding up due to the withdrawal of funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig

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Erdogan declared war on Kurds


After the first general elections in Turkey in June 2015, some 186 people have died (44 of them children) as a result of the the violence promoted by government’s forces

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Sur (Diyarbakir) under attack


The photos we are presenting were taken in Sur (a district of Kurdistan “capital”, Amed-Diyarbakir). Here curfew was imposed 6 times since the summer. Ten people died in the area since July, 5 of them during the curfew

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Are the Cuban Government & Communist Party Truly Leading Society?


Post Views: 10 Private nightclubs and discos enliven Havana’s nights, even though these do not officially exist under the government reforms. The first time I went rafting down a mountain river, the instructor explained to us that the only way

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New issue of Global Rights dedicated to the new relation between Cuba and the US out tomorrow


Read the new issue of Global Rights Magazine dedicated to the re-establishment of relations between Cuba and the USRead the new issue of Global Rights Magazine dedicated to the re-establishment of relations between Cuba and the US

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La emigración en Cuba no es diferente a fenómenos similares que se desarrollan en su entorno natural: Latinoamérica y Caribe

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Informe del Primer Ministro británico sobre Siria: una necesaria clarificación


Hace unos días, el Primer Ministro David Cameron llamó a los miembros del parlamento británico a votar en favor de una extensión de operaciones en Siria por parte de la Royal Air Force

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Moroccan Writer and Scholar Fatema Mernissi, 75


Fatema Mernissi, author of the acclaimed memoir Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood, has died at 75

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