Elections in North of Ireland

Elections in North of Ireland


Today people in the North of Ireland will be casting their vote to renew the Assembly (the parliament established under the Good Friday Agreement, signed in 1998). Sinn Féin, as part of the consent government which characterised the Assembly, has been holding the Deputy First Minister position with Martin McGuinness, who underlines the priorities for its party in the new Assembly. “We need a government that works coherently and collectively. – he said, adding – We need equality and respect to be at the heart of how we do business and we need to deliver for people across society. We are committed to developing all-Ireland co-operation and implementing practical proposals that are to the mutual benefit of everyone. We are committed to campaigning against Brexit as it would be bad for Ireland politically, economically and socially. Sinn Féin’s vision is of a changed Europe which properly serves the sovereign and democratic needs of its member states”.

McGuinness also underlined how “The peace process remains one of the most important dynamics in modern Irish history and it shows us what is possible when we show positive leadership”.

Sinn Féin elections manifesto sets out what the Republican party wants to deliver, building on the work of the last five years.

The government plan of the Republican party is made up of 10 points:

  1. Economy – 50,000 new jobs;
  2. Housing – 10.000 new social and affordable homes;
  3. Health – £1 billion additional health spending;
  4. Welfare – £500 million to help those in need;
  5. Education – Increase to £525 million spend on Childcare and Early Child Development Initiatives;
  6. Infrastructure – £6 billion to improve roads, transport and public services;
  7. Rural – Extend fast-speed broadband to rural communities;
  8. Tackling Crime – ring-fence funding for front line policing;
  9. Equality – promote equality measures for all people

Building the momentum towards Irish Unity

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