Back to homepage“A poet takes care of the silence”
Post Views: 57 Italian poet Anna Lombardo meets poet Odveig Klyve. The other interviews to poets Anna Lombardo made for Global Rights can be found here and here and here… Odveig Klyve is a Norwegian writer and film director. She
Read MoreCIADI anuncia que desestima demanda por 261 millones de euros contra Costa Rica
la posibilidad de demandar ante el CIADI a Costa Rica por parte de inversionistas españoles se origina en el Tratado Bilateral de Inversiones (o TBI) con España
Read MoreNuria Ruiz de Viñaspre: “La poesía no es que no tenga futuro, es que es el futuro”
Post Views: 62 La poetisa italiana Anna Lombardo nos ofrece una entrevista con la poetisa Nuria Ruiz de Viñaspre Las otras entrevistas de Anna Lombardo a poetisas de varios paises se pueden leer aquí y aquí Nacida en Logroño en
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Post Views: 27 PUBLIC STATEMENT 11 January 2017 In October 2016, The Finnish Migration Office (Migri) denied asylum from an Iraqi viola player. In the decision, it was accepted as a fact that in Iraq, the person in question had been
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Ashraf Fayadh, imprisoned stateless-Palestinian poet, is this year’s joint winner (with Malini Subramaniam, an award-winning Indian investigative journalist) of Pen International’s 2017 Oxfam Novib/PEN Awards for Freedom of Expression
Read MoreA woman candidate for Sinn Fein in Assembly elections
Post Views: 82 Sinn Fein has announced that Mid-Ulster Assembly member Michelle O’Neill is to lead the party into the Six County Assembly elections on 2 March. She takes over from Martin McGuinness, who after having resigned from the post of
Read MoreGlobal Rights Magazine. LOS RETOS DE LA PAZ EN COLOMBIA
Este número de Global Rights Magazine está dedicado enteramente a Colombia
This new issue of Global Rights Magazine is entirely dedicated to Colombia, a country beginning the slow and difficult road of the implementation of the agreements reached in Havana
Read MoreLo poético está en la mirada que arrojamos sobre las cosas, Yolanda Castaño
Anna Lombardo, poetisa y periodista italiana, entrevista a Yolanda Castaño, poetisa de Galicia, con la cual ha estado al festival Cerete de mujeres poetisas, en Colombia
Read MoreThe Murder of Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez TO BE CONTINUED..?
Ömer Güney, the only suspect in the assassination of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez in Paris on 9 January, 2013, died on December 17, 2016
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