Defend Rojava. An Open Letter


Many of those who fled Afrin are now sleeping in open fields or tent cities, lacking the most elementary necessities

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“Armes chimiques” en Syrie (Douma) et OIAC: déclaration conjointe


L´absence de preuves concernant la responsabilité de la Syrie lors des divers incidents dans lesquels l´usage de susbtsances chimiques est mentioné n´est plus un obstacle pour procéder à des frappes aériennes contre la Syrie

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FARC Santrich transferred to prison


FARC former commander has been on hunger strike for 19 days

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Campaña internacional por la libertad de Jesús Santrich


La detención de Jesús Santrich, miembro destacado del nuevo partido legal Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común (FARC), constituye una evidente violación a los acuerdos de Paz, que se suma a una serie de graves hechos que se han venido produciendo en Colombia

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The Other Side of Afrin Resistance: Communes are taking root


The responsibilities of communes have doubled since Turkey’s invasion. They have been securing shelter, water and electricity for the people who’s lives have been devastated by the shelling

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Electoral campaign kicks off in Iraq and South Kurdistan


Twenty list  are competing for the 44 seats to be assigned in Başûr (South) Kurdistan

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ON A DAY THIS WEEK in April, 1915


On a day this week, April 24, 1915, the arrest of Armenian intellectuals began in the Ottoman capital of Constantinople that was to be the signal for the mass murder of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians

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SYRIA: U.S. withdrawal, what next?


With the war on the “Islamic state” in both Syria and Iraq almost over, the eye is now turned to the two superpowers; the United States of America and Russia

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Las reacciones oficiales en América Latina al bombardeo realizado en Siria


El mismo Secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos admitió públicamente no contar con ninguna prueba (“evidence”) sobre el evento en Douma del 7 de abril

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The first week of April 2018 saw the release of the Turkish Human Rights Association’s (IHD) Report on Turkey for 2017. The country has been in the grip of  an ongoing state of emergency since the failed coup in July 2016

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