SETA report targets journalists, said Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform

SETA report targets journalists, said Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform


“Every day journalists face a new pressure. Journalists and media institutions are being targeted. A report published by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) titled

The Turkey Extensions of the International Media Organisations is not based on any actual research, and profiles journalists based on comments on their social media posts alone. It is clear that the SETA report’s main purpose is to profile and target journalists and their institutions.

This document published under the guise of a report constitutes a crime in our eyes. This document creates a basis for interventions against journalists and the media institutions they work at.

Journalists and the media institutions they work at are being pressured, which begs the question: What are they afraid of?

We as the Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform state once again that we do not accept the profiling policies led by the hand of SETA against journalists and media institutions and that we stand with our colleagues. Journalists are not alone.”

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