Agresión de Rusia a Ucrania: reacciones oficiales en América Latina


Los Estados de América Latina han condenado oficialmente el accionar de Rusia, realizado en abierta violación a varios principios básicos del derecho internacional público

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Egypt. No More Impunity, Truth and Justice for All


When they ask for truth and justice for their son, Giulio Regeni, his parents always do so by adding at the end of the sentence “for all Giuli and Giulie”, aware that the victims of forced disappearance and torture in Egypt are a multitude lacking all protection

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Acuerdo de Escazú: Chile se apresta a rectificar, mientras Costa Rica se limita a …¿mirar?


El pasado 22 de enero del 2022, el Acuerdo de Escazú cumplió nueve meses desde que entró oficialmente en vigor. Son en efecto 12 Estados que ya lo han ratificado

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Afghan women days


A two-day event dedicated to Afghan women was held at the European Parliament, with the speeches of numerous institutional personalities and Afghan activists. The commitment of Fight Impunity and our Report on Global Rights to create a support network for Afghan women inside and outside the country

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