Go Tell Your Poem (to the children of Gaza)

“But how can I eat and drink when
It is from the starving that I wrest my food and
My glass of water is snatched from the thirsty?
Yet I do eat and I drink…”
(‘To Those Born After’ Bertolt Brecht)
It seems, my (lost) friends,
this world
is too old for poetry
or too young to heed its warning,
or too heartbroken now
to grieve its exiled ghosts.
So i say:
…go tell your poem to the children
left without arms in an abandoned city
while a world filled with expensive dinners,
with diplomats and shiny suits
tells her:
“Your dead family
deserve everything they got…”
Go tell these sad shadows your most sacred verse
so they can judge us the half beings we really are
each day we sit down to eat the fruits
of another’s labour?
Maybe, instead… go tell Death itself
the best you have to offer!
As if you could dare stand
dead centre of this highway
one hand raised, on the road to Gaza,
commanding Death: turn back!
Turn back, you American motherfucker,
(you try say in your imagination but
it sticks in your throat):
Go feast on the thieves that stole their land
go feed on the monsters that bomb children
go feed anywhere but here…
…where every single one
of these desperate hearts
have already
been broken.
But of course, you know your poem
is worse than useless
and even if it was any good
it seems this world we live in
too old now to bear the burden
of poems and poetry
and too young to believe
that our voices
can truly raise the dead
and the dispossessed
and bring them home
before twilight
séamas carraher
december 24-25, 2023
(“Poem” Version 2)
“Go Tell It – to the Children of Israel”
“But those in power
Sat safer without me : that was my hope.”
(‘To Those Born After’, Bertolt Brecht)
Israel speaks:
Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian, (head of COGAT):
“Human animals must be treated as such. There will be no electricity and no water [in Gaza], there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell.” (Times of Israel)
Yoav Gallant (Defense Minister):
“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed…We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly…” (Times of Israel).
Itamar Ben-Gvir (Israel’s far-right National Security Minister):
“To be clear, when they say that Hamas needs to be eliminated, it also means those who sing, those who support and those who distribute candy, all of these are terrorists. […] They should all be eliminated…” (Andalou Agency)
Shlomo Karhi, (Minister of Communications, Likud Party)
“There will be no Palestinian state here. We will never allow another state to be established between the Jordan and the sea. We will never go back to Oslo…
Ariel Kallner, (Likud Party)
“Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join!” (PBS Newshour).
[Tweet preserved here (Twitter/X)]
…And the Children of Gaza Reply
“O red Saturday, the owls have approached from afar
rising to new havoc
where bleak clouds were covered by the smoke
where darkness became darker
where one martyr followed the other
and the owls caw from afar
The remains of our dismembered bodies slapped their conscience
and the remains of our dismembered bodies revealed their secrets.
My people have sold me out to the owls
on an ominous red Saturday.
Therefore hear us out, World,
Gaza shall not yield to the canon
Gaza is the nation’s pride
Gaza is the homeland of chivalry
and Gaza is the daughter of Palestine…
and in Palestine loving the land is ingrained in our religion
and my faith forbids me to fade away or remain calm.
O my murderer, my murderer, take as much as you please from our stones
take as much as you please from our trees
and get as drunk as your heart desires from the blood of our children
served to you by these pretentious phony men
the servers of the thrones and villainy.
You….the murderers of children take as much as you please from our
stones and our trees
drop tons of your bombs of hatred on us
and go gentle on your soul
because, regardless of everything, we, the rebels
are here to stay…
and it doesn’t matter if you deliver your soul to your creator, either way
we will live in honour and freedom or rise as martyr and righteous souls.”
Palestinian children(’s fund) – Poem
Palestine’s Children’s Fund – Video
by Unicorn Riot
#Biden and Allies – a War Criminal?
Thanks to
“The inhumanity of the soldiers is unbearable. They shoot civilians in the street, imprison and torture children , and strip and humiliate innocent men. But the soldiers are having fun. They’re posting to TikTok, doing some war crimes, then celebrating on the beach. I hate them. I hate them.” Paul Biggar Blog
Brecht Poems (1976 Edition, Edited by John Willett and Ralph Manheim)
Brecht, The Collected Poems, (2019, 2015, Tom Kuhn and David Constantine)
Other poems for Palestine
Time is ticking by, the world is standing by – a poem dedicated to Palestinians
Scottish actor Brian Cox reads final poem of Palestinian scholar and poet Refaat Alareer (killed by Israeli military)
Version 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGz4YzTYD8w
Remi Kanazi: A Poem for Gaza
Three Poems by Mosab Abu Toha, performed by Isabel Adomakoh Young
“Mosab Abu Toha is an award-winning poet, whose collection THINGS YOU MAY FIND IN MY EAR, was nominated for a National Book Award. He, like millions of Palestinians, has been trapped in Gaza under Israeli bombardment since October 8th. He has been posting to his social media accounts as often as he can, keeping the world informed of the horrors as they rain down around him.
On November 20th he was abducted by Israeli soldiers from a checkpoint, separated from his family and beaten in prison. On release, four days later, he wrote:
“I’m safe but still have pain in nose and teeth after being beaten by Israeli army. I gave them all my family’s passports, including my American son’s but they didn’t return anything. Also my clothes & my children’s were taken and not returned to me. No wallet, money, credit cards.” The Palestine Festival of Literature‧
A Palestinian Poet’s Perilous Journey (Mosab Abu Toha)
Tobias Menzies reads social media posts by poet trapped in Gaza, Mosab Abu Toha (November 2023)
Israel defends Western Civilization: A Poem
#poetry for #Gaza #FreePalestine
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