For Gaza Now Swallowed by Storm (A Lament)

“In the street in Gaza, on a gravestone (made of a wooden board, probably from a damaged closet), they wrote: ‘Unknown martyr, a decaying corpse, wearing training suit and an olive green jacket.’ The world must stop here.”
“In the street in Gaza, on a gravestone (made of a wooden board, probably from a damaged closet), they wrote:
‘Unknown martyr, a decaying corpse, wearing training suit and an olive green jacket.’
The world must stop here.”
(Mosab Abu Toha @MosabAbuToha)
For those Ugly Men with their fists of power
our Bird of Hope flew brave
(but wingless)
their storm
(of wrath
and death and fury).
Below her, see, nine thousand children
their hearts all lost
and stolen by
but their burnt and
buried bodies
are angels
over the noise
of war and catastrophe.
O, see, below, how a proud nation
is turned into stone and sorrow…
At night i hear their ghosts
whispering this lament
(for a world littered with lies):
No none will rise from the dead
not a soul will be saved.
In this war bigger-than-words we have
buried all decency in hatred and despair,
this promised land, in plague and pestilence,
ghetto, pogrom and bloodbath.
Oh, better to have your tongue torn out
than drink poison with these Statesmen and
Better to die a Martyr than break bread
with the Butchers.
Better to be born blind than see another
generation suffer its descent…over and over
(how many times, now, Palestine,
in 75 years?).
Oh, better to live as a ghost than this cold stone
with its blades all sharpened on revenge.
And here,
where so few can still find
a safe place
to hide
let it be known
after the killing comes to an end
after the Bird of Hope finds its weary way home
when even this scourge of storms has surrendered
and the killers are all dead and gone
“we, the People, will still be Here…”
séamas carraher
december 29-31, 2023
Gravestone – “Unknown martyr”
from Mosab Abu Toha @MosabAbuToha
“we, the People will still be Here…”
“I am from here . . . I saw my guts looking upon me through the corn fuzz.
I saw my memory counting the seeds of this field and the martyrs within it.
I am from here. I am right here . . . I comb the olives in this autumn.
I am from here. And here I am. That’s what my father shouted: I am from here.
And here I am. I am I. And here is here. I am I. And I am here. Here
I am. And I am I. Here I am. I am here. And here I am. I am I . . .
Then echo approached. Broke the vastness. Its resurrection rose. An echo
finding an echo. And echo resounded: Forever here forever here . . .
(‘Take Care of the Stags, Father’, by Mahmoud Darwish from Eleven Planets, 1992)
“Proud Nation…”
“(With reference to Palestinians in Ottoman times) Although proud of their Arab heritage and ancestry, the Palestinians considered themselves to be descended not only from Arab conquerors of the seventh century but also from indigenous peoples who had lived in the country since time immemorial, including the ancient Hebrews and the Canaanites before them. Acutely aware of the distinctiveness of Palestinian history, the Palestinians saw themselves as the heirs of its rich associations.” (Walid Khalidi, 1984, Before Their Diaspora: A Photographic History of the Palestinians, 1876–1948. Institute for Palestine Studies)
More than 8,663 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza since October 7
Gaza’s health ministry says 22,185 Palestinians have now been killed in Gaza since October 7.
“I wish I were a candle in the darkness.” Mahmoud Darwish Reading
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