One More Question for Gaza – after the decision of the International Court of Justice

One More Question for Gaza – after the decision of the International Court of Justice


“You can’t really order Israel to do everything within its power to stop the genocide while not ordering a ceasefire… a ceasefire is what we want, we want now… and it’s the most important thing to stop the genocide”


“…. And to be honest like we’re sick to our core because of the amount of hypocrisy… and the ruling is not good enough… you can’t really order Israel to do everything within its power to stop the genocide while not ordering a ceasefire… a ceasefire is what we want… we want now… and it’s the most important thing to stop the genocide…

“…my family in the Gaza right now they don’t benefit at all from this ruling today… I still don’t have faith in international law as we’re supposed to do…

I have my families asking me on a daily basis will that stop our suffering will that stop the genocide against us… the sad news I have to say to

them it’s…a process it’s going to take time but it shows the politics behind the court … and that’s why when it comes to the ceasefire the US is behind this of course … and this makes us sad…

“Thank you so much for joining us so here… it was a really a test for International Peace and Justice here at the Peace Palace in the Hague but what people here are shouting now is still Free Free Palestine but also Ceasefire Now and that’s not what they have gotten and a lot of hope is now being dashed…”

Reactions to ICJ Order – Al Jazeera – 26 January 2024


“They cannot live without American weapons… they cannot live without American money… they cannot live without American diplomatic support. The United States is a participant, unfortunately, in this war and as long as they don’t support (a) ceasefire they become participant in the war crimes that (are) happening in Gaza. It’s very serious very serious…” – Mustafa Barghouti, (from the Palestinian National Initiative)

 Al Jazeera, 25 January, 2024


One More Question for Gaza

If our world was not so deaf / with only the Empire’s voice for ears /

would we no longer lay down our dreams / and go look for another life / to wander within?


If the world was not so deaf / and ‘humanity’ another delusion? / would brother not raise their hands against brother / giving birth to this History of Lies?


But the world is not so deaf, no. / Everywhere voices are raised / yet the Empire shouts louder and louder.


It roars with its hunger and its killer-jets / its tank-shells and thirst / its TV and technology / its celebrities, starvation, and cunning / all of its wretched reasons / its bribery and its bombs.


In the midst of 8 billion voices now only the powerful may speak.


As for the rest? / We must walk without a map / looking for a future / with no more catastrophe.


If the world was not so deaf / and even the Empire forgot to sharpen its claws /

would we still not need to come together / to speak for the dead?


Then we might rise up like a wind / to tear down the walls / we would sweep away the soldiers / demolish the roof (of this most-desolate-house, this house of darkness and deceit) / silence these hate-filled voices / so our children can sleep safely at night?


This then must be the end of one world.


Words can no longer bear the burden

of hope.


They have been washed away / with this deluge of deceit / of blood and pain

and heartache.


For now / both Day and Night / a great Fire / continues / to rain History / over

the Silence of Gaza.


But this, my brothers,

is not our history


Not yet.


séamas carraher



The Hague – South Africa vs. Israel at the ICJ: (“fair-use”)

Screenshot – 15 January 2024



International Court of Justice – interim ruling – genocide case against Israel. “… judge Joan Donaghue said she ordered that Israel must take all measures within its powers to prevent any genocidal acts… it must ensure there are no statements that could be seen as incitement to genocide… I’m just looking at some of the reaction coming through already from various human rights groups.. this is being seen as a victory for South Africa which brought this case under the genocide convention and yet all the judges are really doing is: saying that Israel must uphold its existing obligation something it says it’s already doing…”

 BBC – 26 January, 2024


Response to the Ruling outside the Court

“….And to be honest like we’re sick to our core because of the amount of hypocrisy… …and the ruling is not good enough I mean we’ve made some good wins but at the same time you can’t really order Israel to do everything within its power to stop the genocide while not ordering a ceasefire… a ceasefire is what we want… we want now… and it’s the most important thing to stop the genocide…just insane…it’s unacceptable… and we will not cease to resist we will not cease to talk and to protest even if it takes months…but this massacre this genocide has to stop… cease fire now…


Dina, you are also listening… it was a very emotional moment here in in front of the Peace Palace… how is your response? 


“Well it’s very bittersweet… I feel it’s as if we have to be grateful that there finally is international recognition that there is a genocide being committed against our people so I think this is a bare minimum that should be done… so they gave us something but it’s definitely not enough…as Ahmed said… I mean that the least that they could have done is have a ceasefire that would have had immediate impact on the people on the ground…my family in the Gaza right now they don’t benefit at all from this ruling today it is something and we will continue… we have to hold Israel accountable for what it is doing so it’s one step in the good direction but again I think they really took the easy way out… they tried to kind of please everyone a little bit and they didn’t take the tough stand and I’m still… I’m still …(I still don’t have faith in international law as we’re supposed to do)… actually disappointed…disappointed as well we have to admit it’s a historic moment is a turning point… I mean I look at it and I see that now Israel is being admitted to this case of genocide and years to come now trying to defend itself but this is historic… but as we said it’s that we are happy …but it’s incomplete and why is that because this is the only hope for us… this body… this International body is the only…hope for us giving that also South Africa is the only country that demanded Humanity… that demanded respect to international law for us…as Gazan now…


…I have my families asking me on daily basis will that stop our suffering will that  stop the genocide against us… the sad news I have to say to them it’s a process it’s going to take time …but it shows the politics behind the court behind the Judgement… and that’s why when it comes to the ceasefire the US is behind this of course and … this makes us sad but at the same time we have to stay optimistic and for the Gazans you know poor they remain you know nobody is now stopping the genocide against them not even the International… you know …Court of Justice…


Thank you so much for joining us so here it was a really a test for International

Peace and Justice here at the Peace Palace in the Hague but what people here

are shouting now is still Free Free Palestine but also Ceasefire Now and that’s not what they have gotten and a lot of hope is now been dashed for now …”

Al Jazeera, 27 January 2024


Gaza Genocide Unmasked By Irish Lawyer’s HISTORIC Speech At The ICJ

Posted by Owen Jones, January 12, 2024


Can Israel Ignore World Court’s Order? Experts Weigh in on ICJ Genocide Case

“Stockton University professor Raz Segal and human rights lawyer Diana Buttu… discuss Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response to the ruling, the role of the United States in stymying international action and more. We also hear more from ICJ president Joan Donoghue’s delivery of the ruling, including the court’s acknowledgement of the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

Democracy Now, January 26, 2024


SA-Israel case | Naledi Pandor welcomes ICJ order

SABC (South Africa), January 27, 2024




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