
Post Views: 120 “Il peccato originale di Haiti sulla scena internazionale fu la sua liberazione. Gli haitani commisero un crimine inaccettabile nel 1804: un crimine di lesa maestà in un mondo agitato. Occidente era un mondo di colonialismo, schiavitù e

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David Cameron warns of difficult 2011 in new year message 0


Post Views: 15 David Cameron says 2011 can be year Britain ‘gets back on its feet’, but warns terrorist threat remains ‘as serious as ever’ Adam Gabbatt David Cameron said spending cuts were essential to put Britain ‘on the right

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Post Views: 8 Ieri l’Audiencia Provincial di San Sebastian ha condannato quattro dei 15 guardia civiles imputati per le torture inflitte a due militanti di ETA, Igor Portu e Mattin Sarasola. Che i militari venissero condannati era nell’aria. Sia per

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Gül emphasizes Turkish as official language in first Diyarbak?r speech 0


Post Views: 14 TODAY’S ZAMAN ?STANBUL   Diyarbak?r Mayor Osman Baydemir warmly welcomed President Abdullah Gül at the Diyarbak?r airport yesterday. President Abdullah Gül, who was in the southeastern province of Diyarbak?r, where his visit was expected to calm tension

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Historic vote paves way to tackle past 0


Post Views: 7 BETÜL AKKAYA DEM?RBA? ?STANBUL Turkey witnessed rather eventful times this year, with violent acts of terror by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), cutthroat rivalry between political parties and a stronger civilian will to call to account

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ETICA E ESTETICA – Iñaki Egaña 0


Post Views: 7 Nell’articolo precedente che male titolai “L’anti racconto di Natale” quando sarebbe stato meglio, per esempio, “Altro racconto di natale”, ha suscitato nella rete internauta un acceso dibattito sulla violenza, la giustizia e la vendetta. La contro insurrezione

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Turkey’s human rights report in 2010 not perfect but promising 0


Post Views: 7 ERCAN YAVUZ ANKARA Protestors in front of the Bak?rköy Courthouse make a statement to the press about police officers who allegedly beat activist Engin Çeber to death in ?stanbul’s Metris Prison, in this photo from April 12,

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Kosovo: Europe’s Mafia State. Hub of the EU-NATO Drug Trail 0


Post Views: 29  Kosovo’s Prime Minister Accused of Running Human Organ, Drug Trafficking Cartel In another grim milestone for the United States and NATO, the Council of Europe (COE) released an explosive report last week, “Inhuman treatment of people and

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“Es preciso un Núremberg de los especuladores” 0


Post Views: 13     Jean Ziegler en una reciente visita a Madrid.PUBLICO-ANGEL NAVARRETE / POOL Jean Ziegler. Escritor. Diplomático internacional en la ONU, publica el ensayo ‘El odio a Occidente’, una crítica al sistema capitalista dominado por Europa y EEUU

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Peter Hoekstra and the CIA 0


Post Views: 8 Congressman Wins Torture Award On December 21, the Central Intelligence Agency gave its Agency Seal Medal to Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee. Hoekstra has labored almost ceaselessly to assure that the

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