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A pesar de la deuda exterior, los EEUU siguen teniendo vara alta 0


Post Views: 3 La deuda pública estadounidense el 8 de Julio de 2010 era de 13,192 billones de dólares, frente a una proyección del PIB  de 14,743 billones de dólares. En abril de 2010, China era tenedora de bonos del

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Obama signs the financial reform bill: Towards a new volatile phase of economic disruptions? 0


Post Views: 2 The Eleven Pens Of Barack Obama: Signing Financial Reform Is Signing Up For A New Struggle To Make It Real With eleven pens for souvenirs, President Obama signed the financial reform bill in a rare celebratory moment.

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Court Rules on Kosovo, But Verdict’s Impact Could Go Far Beyond Region 0


Post Views: 10           Bad News’ for Governments Fighting Secessionist Movements In a non-binding ruling, the UN’s International Court of Justice ruled that the 2008 secession of Kosovo from Serbia didn’t violate any laws, though the

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Pakistan: End Collective Punishment in Swat 0


Post Views: 5  Forced Evictions, House Demolitions Undermine Fight Against Taliban (New York) – The Pakistani government should immediately investigate reports that security forces are carrying out collective punishment against relatives of suspected Taliban militants during operations in the Swat

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Indonesia: US Resumes Military Assistance to Abusive Force 0


Post Views: 6  Obama Administration Lifts Ban Despite Military’s Lack of Reform, Accountability  (New York) – The Obama administration’s decision to lift a more than decade-long ban on US military assistance to Indonesia’s abusive special forces seriously undermines its commitment

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The Wall St. Bill Doesn’t Protect Us From Banker Abuse: 5 Essential Reforms Are Still Needed


Post Views: 9 Today, President Barack Obama signed into law the first serious effort to regulate Wall Street in decades. The bill has much to be said for it, but the unfortunate truth is that it ducks several of the

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Congressional Report: $1 Trillion Spent on Wars Since 9/11 0


Post Views: 6       Inflation Adjusted Cost Second Only to World War 2 A Congressional Research Service report on the costs of America’s assorted wars has put the global war on terror since September 11, 2001 at over

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The Netherlands: Do Not Deport Somalis 0


Post Views: 10 (Amsterdam) – The Dutch government should immediately halt all plans to return Somalis to war-torn Somalia, Human Rights Watch said today. The Dutch authorities have announced their intention to deport, between now and October 2010, at least

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China: Witnesses Lift Veil on Abuses by Security Forces in Tibet


Post Views: 4 (New York) – Eyewitness accounts confirm that Chinese security forces used disproportionate force and acted with deliberate brutality during and after unprecedented Tibetan protests beginning on March 10, 2008, Human Rights Watch said in a new report

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Profundización de la Europa del capital 0


Post Views: 6 Desde los setenta, EE UU impulsa un capitalismo globalizado, basado en los mercados financieros y en la redefinición del papel del Estado, de la relación capital-trabajo y de las relaciones Norte-Sur: el neoliberalismo. La Comunidad Económica Europea

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