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Mistah McChrystal – he dead 0


Post Views: 5 Mistah Kurtz – he dead.Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness When it comes to American wars, history has a kinky habit of repeating itself as farce over and over again. So now the Pentagon has been plunged into

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Why McChrystal Did Obama a Big Favor 0


Post Views: 8 Can Petraeus Find a Way Out of Afghanistan?Despite President Barack Obama’s denial that his decision to fire Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal as commander in Afghanistan and replace him with Gen. David Petraeus signified any differences with McChrystal

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Fighting Talk: The New Propaganda


Post Views: 5 AFP / GETTY IMAGESBotch and learn: the world’s media await the arrival of the Gaza flotilla that was stormed by the Israeli Navy Journalism has become a linguistic battleground – and when reporters use terms such ‘spike

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Fighting Talk: The New Propaganda


Post Views: 4 Fighting Talk: The New PropagandaJournalism has become a linguistic battleground – and when reporters use terms such ‘spike in violence’ or ‘surge’ or ‘settler’, they are playing along with a pernicious game.By Robert FiskFollowing the latest in

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Torture still goes on in Turkish jails


Post Views: 22 One more news of torture from Tekirda? F Type prison sadly famous for torturing political prisoners. It has emerged that prisoners Ahmet Burak Ery?ld?r?m, Serhat Tüzer and Kemal Avc? in Tekirda? No 2 F Type prison have

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A Central Asian tinderbox


Post Views: 32 A Central Asian tinderboxBy Roman MuzalevskyEthnic violence between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks in southern Kyrgyzstan has left hundreds dead, while thousands of people have fled the conflict zones to neighbouring Uzbekistan.Both the UN and the interim government – which

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UN chief sets up panel on Sri Lanka war 0


Post Views: 11 The UN secretary general has set up a panel to look into alleged human rights abuses during the final stages of Sri Lanka’s civil war in 2009. Ban Ki-moon’s spokesman said the three-man panel would advise on

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Convenience food changes could save ‘thousands of lives’


Post Views: 231 Convenience food changes could save ‘thousands of lives’Sarah Boseley, health editorTens of thousands of lives could be saved if major changes were made to processed and convenience foods, the UK’s leading health watchdog will say today, challenging

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¿El fin del Capitalismo “amable”? 0


Post Views: 4 La posible caida de los últimos bastiones de la Europa SocialA principios del siglo XIX el canciller austriaco von Metternich había propuesto la necesidad de instaurar un Concierto Europeo supranacional, por encima de los intereses de cada

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Embargoes and Blockades used as a Method of Warfare 0


Post Views: 3 Project for Pitiless Centuries“I listen to the blackbird. A song for those who died.Now it is still all left to do. So as not to lose sight of the goal, which is to lift the brutal blockade

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