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Amnesty International: Fear for prisoners on death row in Iran 0


Post Views: 8 Amnesty International has made a new call to the Iranian authorities to immediately halt all executions and commute all death sentences as concern grows about two women and other prisoners who may be at imminent risk of

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Executive Privilege


Post Views: 4 The removal of General Stanley McChrystal from command provided President Barack Obama with the perfect opportunity to review the entire Afghan war strategy and declare it a failure.  That he did not do so means that the

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Why Afghanistan’s Poppies Aren’t the Problem 0


Post Views: 8 For years, there has been much discussion about the best strategy to rid Afghanistan of its poppies. Eradication, says Bush. Interdiction and alternative livelihoods, retorts Obama. Licensing and production for medicinal purposes, suggested the Senlis Council. The

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Sticking the public with the bill for the bankers’ crisis


Post Views: 6 How else can we interpret the G20 communiqué that includes not even a measly tax on financial transactions?

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Post Views: 14 What are the Main Axes – Themes OF ESF 2010 Below you can find the list of the Axes of European Social Forum 2010 – Istanbul

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Malalai Joya: “Zapatero debería retirar las tropas de Afganistán”


Post Views: 49 Malalai Joya en Madrid el pasado jueves Cuando en 1880 el Imperio británico quiso conquistar el dominio del territorio afgano, estalló la segunda guerra británico-afgana y surgió una resistencia armada local dispuesta a impedir el avance de

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Venezuela’s private retailers targeted as Hugo Chávez declares ‘economic war’ 0


Post Views: 3 Venezuela’s private retailers targeted as Hugo Chávez declares ‘economic war’As election looms, president blames rising food prices on ‘capitalist’ retailers while critics accuse him of scapegoatingRory Carroll in Caracas Subsidised markets that provide cheap staples, such as

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El golpe de Estado financiero contra el Estado Democrático y Social de Derecho en Europa: la distopía de la “Nueva Austeridad”


Post Views: 11 “Lejos de limitarse a retraer la economía, lo que persigue ahora el neoliberalismo es alterar la trayectoria en la que ha venido moviéndose la civilización occidental en los dos últimos siglos. Se trata nada menos que de

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Runaway Defense Spending Not Winning Any Wars 0


Post Views: 8 In Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, the major places of military interest to the United States today (disregarding the hundreds of other places where American soldiers and agents or mercenaries have been dispatched to suppress one or another

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How ‘Rolling Stone’ was able to bring down a general 0


Post Views: 12 By Guy AdamsWhen the four-star general Stanley A McChrystal received an email asking if he might like to spend a month of his extremely busy life being trailed by a Kabul-based freelance journalist called Michael Hastings, he

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