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Lebanon: Judiciary Failing to Protect Domestic Workers 0


Post Views: 8   A Sri Lankan woman washes the windows of her employers’ home in Beirut. © 2010 Matthew Cassel/KAFA Indifference, Lengthy Procedures, and Restrictive Sponsorship System Defeat Justice(Beirut) – Lebanon’s judiciary is generally failing to hold employers accountable

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ILO-IMF Conference on Employment: Concrete Action Must Follow Announcement of Good Intentions 0


Post Views: 6 At a conference on the theme “The Challenges of Growth, Employment and Social Cohesion”, held in Oslo, Norway, on 13 September, the International Labour Organisation and the International Monetary Fund agreed to engage in joint work to

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ILO deals the ‘death knoll for asbestos’, says ITUC 0


Post Views: 6 A statement from a United Nations body confirming its desire to see the end of asbestos use worldwide is the ‘death knoll’ for a substance which claims one life every five minutes around the clock, the global

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Chilean miners: A typical day in the life of a subterranean miner 0


Post Views: 7 Chilean miners: A typical day in the life of a subterranean miner The Guardian’s Jonathan Franklin, in a unique despatch, documents a day in the subterranean life of the 33 miners trapped 700 metres below the Chilean

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Turkey: Trade Unions Worldwide Show Their Solidarity with Sacked Turkish UPS Workers 0


Post Views: 5 In response to reported intimidation and sackings of workers who opted to join Turkey’s TÜMTIS trade union, an international action day coordinated by the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) is being held today. Since April 2010, 157

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Chilean miners await rescue as drilling begins 0


Post Views: 13 Chilean miners await rescue as drilling begins Drill bores 50ft into rock as rescue mission to save 33 trapped miners gets under way Jonathan Franklin in Santiago Men work on a new drill to be used in

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Barclays Burma Scandal Shows Need to Tighten Sanctions 0


Post Views: 10 The announcement that Barclay’s Bank has agreed with the US Department of Justice to pay a $298m fine for breaching sanctions on Burma and other countries shows yet again that international sanctions on Burma need to be

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Youth Unemployment a “Social Time-Bomb” 0


Post Views: 23   The ITUC has described the high and rising levels of youth unemployment globally as a “social time-bomb”, which risks damaging the social, economic and political fabric of countries around the world. New figures released by the

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Bangladesh: Government Must Support Decent Minimum Wage, and Cease Harassment of Union Rights Supporters 0


Post Views: 8 The ITUC is calling on the Government of Bangladesh to support decent wages and living standards for the country’s workers, particularly in the garments sector, and cease harassment of trade unionists and other worker-rights advocates. Thousands of

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ITUC Calls for UN Summit to endorse Financial Transactions Tax to help fund development and growth 0


Post Views: 7 The ITUC is calling on governments to commit to introducing a financial transactions tax (FTT) at September’s United Nations Development Summit to help tackle global poverty and accelerate action on jobs and climate change. The UN Summit,

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